Alabama Power formally solicits renewable energy, energy storage proposals

Alabama Power Company is earnestly seeking proposals for potential renewable energy projects, continuing the company’s longstanding commitment to a diverse generation portfolio that delivers reliable, affordable electricity to people across the Yellowhammer State.

The company months ago had announced its intention to solicit beneficial projects, and on October 19, Alabama Power formally issued a request for proposals (RFP) for renewable energy resources. A released advised that the deadline to submit a proposal is December 1.

“We are eager to test the market to see if there are renewable projects that may make economic sense for our customers,” stated John Kelley, Alabama Power’s director of Forecasting and Resource Planning. “We have always supported a diverse portfolio of energy resources as we strive to meet our customers’ desire for clean, safe, reliable, affordable energy.”

Alabama Power outlined the following about the RFP:

Under the renewables RFP, a variety of projects will be accepted for consideration. They include, among others, solar, wind and geothermal projects, energy from tidal or ocean current, and low-impact hydro and biomass. Projects involving gas derived from sewage treatment processes, solid municipal waste or landfills, and heat and power projects also may be submitted. The proposals can be energy-purchase contracts with terms of 10 or 25 years or turnkey projects. The submitted projects must be at least 5 megawatts but no larger than 80 megawatts. The projects must be located in Alabama and connect to the company’s electric system. Alabama Power would receive all the environmental attributes from the projects.

The RFP will also explore and evaluate the potential of renewable energy storage technologies.

It should further be noted that Alabama Power will look to pair potential projects with interested industrial and large commercial customers.

Interested parties can read more here.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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