Alabama pee wee football star earns ESPN “Top Play” honors

(Video above: the legend of JD Taylor is born)

JD Taylor is the reason Waldo is hiding.

JD Taylor makes onions cry.

JD Taylor doesn’t sleep, he waits.

Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell JD Taylor stories.

When the boogyman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for JD Taylor.

Superman wears JD Taylor pajamas.

And doggone it, when JD Taylor wants to score a touchdown, there’s just flat out nothing you, or the entire Ariton termite league football team, can do about it.

When the head coach of Goshen’s 9-10 year old football squad called “wishbone fake 36, 18 flats,” the team’s quarterback, John David “JD” Taylor, wasn’t sure it was the right call. “That ain’t going to work,” he told the coach, who also happens to be his dad.

That may be the only time in history JD Taylor has ever been wrong.

The center snapped the ball, Taylor faked a handoff to the tailback and sprinted toward the right sideline. Ariton’s middle linebacker met Taylor behind the line of scrimmage, and that’s where the magic started happening. Taylor lowered his shoulder and left the linebacker laying in his wake. 15 yards later, with the whole team chasing him, Taylor sidestepped a defensive back, then stiff-armed a defensive lineman, dropping him to the ground before scampering into the end zone for the touchdown.

A few days later, Taylor’s execution of “wishbone fake 36, 18 flats” landed him the top spot on ESPN’s “Top Plays” right alongside the pros. It was also the number 2 play of the week on Fox Sports Live’s countdown. Only Peyton Manning’s seven touchdowns beat him out.

But Taylor isn’t letting the newfound notoriety go to his head. He’s keeping his eye on the prize.

“My goal is to win the league Super Bowl,” he said. “Then I can celebrate with all my teammates.”

(H/t Troy Messenger)

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Cliff Sims September 11, 2013