Notwithstanding a field of 51 highly talented young women, Alabama born Briana Kinsey finished as the third runner up in last night’s Miss America Pageant.
A graduate of Hoover High School and the University of Alabama, Briana represented the District of Columbia, where she’s lived since graduating from UA in 2015.
Her story is not what most would expect, however. On the road to Miss America, Briana had to overcome bullying from her peers. Her height, at 5′-11″, was one of the things that made her most uncomfortable. When she was in the eighth grade, her mother decided that Miss America might be an effective way of instilling confidence in her daughter. Since 2008, and ten pageants later, Briana has won more than $60,000 in scholarships and developed the confidence necessary to excel in whatever career she chooses.
As a Top 15 member, Briana was giving the opportunity to answer two questions on the live TV, which she did with grace, poise, and confidence.
Now that the pageant is over, she plans to become a doctor, specializing in pediatric endocrinology so she can help children with endocrine disorders, including diabetes.
The winner of last night’s pageant was Miss North Dakota Cara Hund, and Miss Alabama Jessica Procter made the Top 7.
According to Miss America’s website, “The Miss America Organization, a 501(c)4 non-profit organization, is the nation’s leading advocate for women’s education and the largest provider of scholarship assistance to young women in the United States, awarding millions of dollars annually in cash awards and in-kind tuition waivers. MAO is comprised of 51 organizations, including all 50 states and the District of Columbia.”