Alabama House Republican Caucus enacts all items in its 2018 ‘Flag, Family, and Country’ legislative agenda

Alabama House Republican Caucus

Montgomery – House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainsville) on Thursday announced that members of the body’s Republican Caucus successfully enacted all of the items in its “Flag, Family, and Country” legislative agenda during the 2018 regular session.

“House Republicans have once again kept our promises and followed up our words with actions,” Ledbetter said. “The new laws in our Republican agenda will provide new jobs and opportunities to the military veterans who protected our nation, shield children from the traumas of domestic violence, and begin to address Alabama’s on-going opioid crisis. All of those are worthy accomplishments that should make Alabamians proud.”

Among the enacted items included in the agenda are:

Childhood Trauma Prevention Bills

In order to protect against extreme trauma that can be experienced by children and family members who witness first-hand acts of domestic violence against a parent or guardian, two new laws will increase the penalties for domestic violence in the presence of a child.

The first law allows for the death penalty or life in prison without parole for murder of a parent or guardian in the presence of a child.

The second dramatically increases the penalties for acts of domestic violence committed against a parent or guardian in the presence of a child.

The Veterans Employment Act

This law dramatically expands the “Heroes for Hire Act” previously passed by House Republicans and provides incentives to businesses that hire honorably discharged veterans who are currently unemployed. Veterans covered by this incentive program will be hired for full-time jobs and earn at least $14 per hour. Because the program is modeled after the “pay as you go” method of awarding economic incentives, it will have no negative fiscal impact on the budgets.

Parks for Patriots Act of 2018

This law provides free, year-round admission to all Alabama state parks for all active military personnel and veterans, including members of the National Guard and Reserves.

Resolution urging respect to be shown for the U.S. Flag

This House Republican Caucus resolution urges all Americans to show proper honor and respect to the U.S. Flag during the playing of the National Anthem, the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and other displays of patriotic pride.

Resolution supporting construction of a U.S. – Mexican border wall

This House Republican Caucus resolution urges Congress to fund and expedite the construction of a secure wall across the border between the United States and Mexico, which continues to be a cornerstone priority of President Donald Trump’s administration.

Fentanyl trafficking bill proposed by the Alabama Opioid Overdose and Addiction Council

The on-going opioid epidemic is proving to be among the most serious public health and law enforcement crises in recent years, so Republicans in the Legislature approved a new law that increases penalties for the unlawful distribution of fentanyl and sets minimum mandatory sentences based on the weight.

Prioritizing of rural development proposals and initiatives

Recognizing the need to bring infrastructure and development to rural Alabama, Republican legislators created a $10 million grant program designed to expand high-speed broadband Internet service in rural portions of the state.

The three previous House Republican Caucus legislative agendas that were proposed and passed through the body this quadrennium were:

The 2015 “Alabama First” legislative agenda was designed to combat the liberal mandates that were being handed down by the Obama administration and sought to put our state firmly on the road toward being first in education and first in economic development. It included bills that reduced government regulations, promoted religious liberties, provided school choice opportunities, and provided employment incentives for businesses in rural Alabama.

The “Right for Alabama” legislative agenda in 2016 placed a continuing focus on improving education, creating jobs, reforming government, and protecting unborn life. It included the “Alabama WIRED Act,” which ensures the poorest schools in Alabama have the same broadband access as the most well-funded schools, implementation of zero-based budgeting reforms, a “Right To Work” constitutional amendment that voters ratified by an overwhelming margin, and a generous but affordable pay raise for public school teachers.

The “Alabama Proud” legislative agenda, which was unveiled in 2017, sought to highlight, improve, and protect the aspects that make our state a special place to live, work, and raise our children. It included increased funding for Alabama’s nationally-recognized “First Class” Pre-K kindergarten program, implementation of an electronic notification system for active shooter situations and other school emergencies, protections for long-standing markers and statues that preserve our history, and passage of a constitutional amendment declaring Alabama a pro-life state.

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