Alabama GOP congressmen: Speaker Pelosi’s ‘tough on China’ bill fails to confront communist regime, puts America last

Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 222-210 to pass the so-called “America Competes Act,” a Democrat-sponsored bill which the majority party claims would enhance the United States’ ability to economically compete with China.

Championed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the bill has been met with fierce criticism from Republicans who contend that the measure fails to address the growing threats the communist regime poses to the United States.

Prior to the House vote, Pelosi suggested that the legislation would “make transformational new investments in research, innovation and American manufacturing to ensure that America can outcompete any nation in the world.”

In announcing his vote against the bill, U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) slammed a multi-billion dollar provision included in the legislation to support the United Nations’ coordination on climate change initiatives with the Chinese Communist Party.

“Today, Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Congress rammed through a bill to strengthen China and weaken America,” stated Carl. “I voted no because this so-called tough on China bill gives $8 billion to a U.N. slush fund that has already funneled $100 million to the Chinese Communist Party in an effort to work WITH China to combat climate change, plus it does absolutely nothing to hold China accountable for their massive role in the deadly COVID pandemic.”

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks), lead Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, asserted that the bill would be detrimental to the nation’s ability to combat Chinese aggression.

“It’s embarrassing and disgraceful that House Democrats are trying to fool Americans into believing they are being tough on China,” proclaimed Rogers. “The reality is their America Competes Act puts China first and America last. Nancy Pelosi’s so-called COMPETES ACT should be titled the SURRENDER ACT. It does absolutely nothing to make our nation more competitive against Communist China. Worse, this bill distracts from the modernization of our military to combat the threat from China with pointless Green New Deal projects and woke social justice projects.”

Rogers concluded, “China blatantly lies, cheats, and steals. They are one of the worst human rights abusers in the world and profit off of slave labor. The United States must work to deter and combat China and this pathetic far-left bill is not what we need.”

According to U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), the Democrat-sponsored bill promotes an array of socially progressive agenda items rather than confronting the Chinese Communist Party’s hostility.

“’The America Concedes to China Act’ empowers labor unions, borrows and gives $8 billion to the United Nations Green Climate Fund, creates a new, costly directorate to focus on ‘social and economic inequality,’ and advances other radical ‘woke’ policies,” declared Brooks.

The North Alabama congressman continued, “Perhaps worst of all, the ‘America Concedes to China Act’s’ radical immigration expansions will crush American workers. There is no limit to the harm Joe Biden and Socialist Democrat allies will inflict on the American people in their pursuit of dictatorial political power. They import and then aid and abet tens of millions of illegal aliens, at great cost to American taxpayers, and, to make matters worse, legally import tens of millions of foreign workers who invariably take jobs from and suppress wages of American workers.”

U.S. Reps. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) and Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) took to social media to rail against the measure by asserting that Pelosi had put forth a bill that failed to address the issue at hand.

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL