The State of Alabama is mirroring a recent decision by the federal government to extend the deadline for citizens to file their income taxes until May 17.
“While many Alabamians are getting their ducks in a row this tax season, they can rest a little easier knowing there will be an extension for filing both federal and state individual income tax,” said Governor Kay Ivey in a statement on Thursday.
The state’s decision comes a day after the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that the federal deadline will be extended to May 17.
“This continues to be a tough time for many people, and the IRS wants to continue to do everything possible to help taxpayers navigate the unusual circumstances related to the pandemic,” remarked IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig in a release.
The Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) noted in a release that, while the extension means that there will be no late penalty for waiting to May 17, interest will accrue from April 15 until the day an individual files.
Because of this, the department is urging those who can to file before the traditional deadline of April 15. “Filing early can help ALDOR get refunds approved earlier by avoiding the logjam of returns that occurs at the deadline,” the department added.
Ivey echoed this sentiment, saying, “I would encourage all Alabamians to go ahead and get your taxes filed and behind you.”
Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: henry@new-yhn.local or on Twitter @HenryThornton95.