Alabama’s Congressional Delegation today sent a letter to President Obama urging him to grant Gov. Robert Bentley’s request for a federal emergency declaration in the wake of severe storms across the state.
The State of Alabama is seeking federal funds to help the 19 Alabama counties that have reported damage due to the wave of severe weather that’s hit the state over the last two days. 200 state personnel are currently working on disaster response, and Gov. Bentley has activated the National Guard.
The governor is in Limestone and Jefferson counties today visiting areas of the state that were impacted by Monday’s tornado outbreak.
Up in Washington, Alabama’s delegation is seeking both financial and physical assistance for the state through the Stafford Disaster Relief Act, which was put in place in 1988 and created a system in which presidential disaster emergency declarations trigger federal financial assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Under the act, FEMA assumes responsibility for coordinating relief efforts and is able to provide grants to the state to help mitigate costs. Gov. Bentley and the Congressional Delegation are asking the federal government to cover 100 percent of the disaster relief costs for the first 72 hours after the disaster. After 72 hours, the match is typically 75 percent federal, 25 percent state, though the federal government can decide to pay above 75 percent if they deem it necessary.
The full letter from Alabama’s Delegation can be read below.
RELATED: Aerial drone captures devastation from Bessemer, Ala. tornado
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
On behalf of the State of Alabama, we are writing to support Governor Robert Bentley’s request for an emergency declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act as a result of the severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes and flash flooding that affected Alabama on April 28, and 29, 2014.
Governor Bentley has declared a state of emergency under Alabama law, and state and local officials are coordinating with the response and cleanup. Governor Bentley has requested debris removal and emergency protective measures (Categories A and B), including direct federal assistance under the Public Assistance program statewide. The Governor has further requested a 100 percent federal cost share for the first 72 hours.
These storms have caused widespread power losses that have negatively impacted residents, businesses, schools, and state and local government operations. Damage assessments are far from complete, but initial reports suggest significant injury to communities across the State. We therefore urge you to approve Governor Bentley’s request expeditiously.
The Alabama Emergency Management Agency has been working closely and effectively with the Federal Emergency Management Agency since the beginning of this incident, and we are grateful for their combined efforts in responding to the affected communities’ needs. We thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Our offices stand ready to provide you with any additional information that you require.
Richard Shelby
United States Senator
Jeff Sessions
United States Senator
Spencer Bachus
United States Congressman
Robert Aderholt
United States Congressman
Mike Rogers
United States Congressman
Mo Brooks
United States Congressman
Martha Roby
United States Congressman
Terri Sewell
United States Congressman
Bradley Byrne
United States Congressman
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