Alabama Citizens for Life trying to counter $1 million in dark money ads from Planned Parenthood

With grassroots social media efforts underway by the Alliance for a Pro-life Alabama, Alabama Citizens for Life is also doing its part to support constitutional Amendment Two on the upcoming November 6 general election ballot.

In a radio spot that is currently playing on select Montgomery and Birmingham-area stations, the pro-life activists say, “Life is on the line and on the ballot this year.”

The ad continues, “There are many important issues this election, but one is fundamental: the right to life. Every abortion stops the beating heart of a living unborn baby.”The spot then alludes to the fact that the majority of Alabamians are pro-life.

“In Alabama, we value every unborn child and want to protect them from a brutal death. Amendment Two affirms that Alabamians recognize and support rights for unborn children. Alabama’s greatest resource isn’t our beaches, not our industries, it’s our children,” the ad outlines.

It then goes into a strong call to action.

“If you want to protect our state’s greatest resource, vote ‘yes’ on Amendment Two. If you want to restore respect for babies, vote ‘yes’ on Amendment Two. If you don’t want your tax dollars to pay for abortion on demand, vote ‘yes’ on Amendment Two. Unborn babies can’t vote, but you can. Their lives really are on the line. Please, vote ‘yes’ on statewide Amendment Two,” the radio spot concludes.


Along with Planned Parenthood, Democratic gubernatorial nominee and Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox, the ACLU, the Feminist Majority Foundation and URGE are opposing Amendment Two, with approximately $1 million in their war chest for television advertising.

In a release, Cole Wagner, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Pro-Life Alabama, urged all pro-life Alabamians to help spread the word in support of the constitutional amendment.

“We can’t match Planned Parenthood and its liberal allies dollar for dollar,” Wagner explained. “Their expensive radio and TV commercials are spreading lies and misinformation about Amendment Two to confuse the voters and create doubts.”

Wagner added, “We are grateful to all of our Pro-Life partners in the Alliance, like Citizens for Life, for making every effort they can to support Amendment Two and combat Planned Parenthood’s false claims.”

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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