Alabama back-to-school sales tax holiday running Friday through Sunday

Consumers will not be charged state sales tax when they purchase school-related supplies and clothing this weekend.

Alabama’s 16th annual school sales tax holiday kicks off on Friday and runs through the end of Sunday. Shoppers will be spared the 4% state sales tax, while most of the state’s local sales taxes will also be waived.

Retailers expect high participation in this year’s holiday.

“This year’s sales tax holiday will provide momentum for Alabama’s continued economic recovery,” said Alabama Retail Association (ARA) president Rick Brown said in a statement from his organization. “Saving money for consumers while stimulating sales for stores is what this weekend is all about.”

Exempted items include clothing and shoes priced at $100 or less per article, school supplies valued at $50 or less per item, books that cost $30 or less per book and tablets, laptops, computers and printers with a selling price of $750 or less.

ARA has an entire webpage devoted to the details of the sales tax holiday and related information. In addition, the Alabama Department of Revenue maintains a list of each locality which has lifted its sales tax as part of the weekend.

For consumers who shop in cities and counties which have waived sales taxes, it could mean up to 10% savings on qualified items.

Alabama is one of 17 states across the country which provides its taxpayers with sales tax relief ahead of the new school year.

Certain exempt items are often overlooked by consumers this weekend. Those items include diapers, printer ink, thumb or flash drives, printer paper and art supplies.

Tim Howe is an owner of Yellowhammer Multimedia

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