AL01 GOP candidate Wells Griffith drops new web video

On Thursday, Wells Griffith, a Republican hopeful to fill the seat Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile, is soon to vacate, made his first big splash on YouTube with a two-minute video touting his candidacy.

The video was shot at his family’s historic Shell service station on Government Street in Mobile, and Griffith frames himself as both an economic and a social conservative.

“Our campaign is building momentum and getting stronger every day, and I’m excited to release our first campaign video,” Griffith said of the effort. “We filmed it at Griffith Service Station in downtown Mobile. It’s where I worked growing up, and where I learned the value or hard work and customer service.”

Griffith echoed the message in the video, declaring himself as a candidate that would fight for conservative values.

“It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience getting to talk with voters throughout the district these past few weeks,” he added. “Too many are working twice as hard for half the pay. Even though people are going through tough times, they haven’t given up hope. I’m running because I believe that our best days are yet to come. To get back on a path to prosperity we need new conservative voices who are willing to stand up and fight for our values.”

What do you think about the video? Is Griffith someone you’ll consider supporting?

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