Aderholt: Shutdown will make Democrats ‘more willing to come to the table’

In an interview with Huntsville NBC affiliate WAFF, Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, offered an interesting perspective on the federal government shutdown that ended with Democrats getting pretty much everything they wanted — a debt ceiling hike and immediate implementation of ObamaCare.

Aderholt told WAFF at an event in the Rocket City that he believes the shutdown will make negotiating with the other side of the aisle easier because they want to avoid another shutdown.

“I think that the Democrats will be more willing to come to the table and say ‘we want to avoid what happened back in October, we want to find a solution to this so we can deal with some of the issues that are important to you, so we don’t have to compromise our principles,’” Aderholt said.

Various surveys have shown that Republicans took a hit in the polls as a result of the shutdown, as much as 14 points according to a Washington Post-ABC poll. However, President Obama and Congressional Democrats weren’t spared from the fallout themselves. Their negatives reached record highs according to that same poll.

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