What happened to ‘safe, legal & rare’ rhetoric? Media, Senate cheerlead abortion practice that puts us with N. Korea, Russia and China




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TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, today and tomorrow, I want to deal with the sanctity of life and some important headlines in the news. World Magazine is reporting the Pain-Capable Abortion Bill, which advanced in the House just a few weeks ago, has failed to pass in the Senate. The Senate voted 51-46 on a motion to proceed with three Democrats – Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia breaking with their party to support the bill. Two Republicans voted against the bill – that was Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

DR. REEDER: The filibuster cannot be overcome without 60 votes and it failed to muster that with 51 votes so, therefore, the bill at this point dies. Let’s give credence that, these three Democratic senators, their commitment to the sanctity of life exceeded their commitment to the Democratic party and its “abortion at all times for any reason” platform. They broke with it out of conviction.


Now, let me also say, interestingly, they all come from pro-life states: Pennsylvania, Indiana and West Virginia. Equally interesting is a Democratic senator that is missing and that’s the one recently elected from Alabama. He did not vote to protect these children that can feel pain when you do the abortion – scientifically affirmed, theologically affirmed – and that was the Alabama Senator Doug Jones, which is not surprising.

Now, I want to encourage those who are committed to the sanctity of life. I think is disheartening, but don’t be discouraged, ultimately. It took 15 years to get a bill on the partial-birth abortion finally passed and it was voted down multiple times through these cloture votes such as this and kept from coming to a vote in the Senate. This 40-plus year history of fighting for the sanctity of life, due to the irrationality and unconstitutional decision of Roe v. Wade, still continues to this day and it’s not going to go away.


Let me put the pro-death people on notice, those who are pro-abortion. And I’m grateful that the Democratic party has moved the needle so it’s no longer “pro-choice.” They now are clearly “pro-abortion” – let’s make that clear. They are pro-abortion. Because of the vote that was just taken, Tom, we now have, in this country, the distinct honor of being numbered with seven other countries in the world that have abortions beyond the 20-plus weeks of a pregnancy. We now take our place with China, with Russia and with North Korea. That’s the company we now keep.


Tom, the unabashed commitment of the media to be the cheerleader for the pro-abortion movement… And all you had to do was look back at the recent marches in Washington, the March for Life, which is 45 years and dwarfs the so-called Women’s March, if you worked for the city, you certainly want the March for Life to show up and not the Women’s March. It is like a pigpen when that one was through – the newspaper articles on the cost to clean up after them – but you won’t find that in the March for Life. It’s really interesting how clean everything is when they get through.

The media coverage on those two events, even though the March for Life is longer, consistent and even in the terrible weather this year, in the midst of all of that, they gave six times the coverage to the Women’s March than they did for the March for Life. In other words, let me put it this way: For every six minutes of coverage for the Women’s March, the March for Life got one minute of coverage on most of the mainstream media.

And, of course, another issue has come up, Tom, as well in the front on the sanctity of life, a very interesting moment.


TOM LAMPRECHT:  Indeed. The Federalist and other media outlets have reported that Cecile Richards is leaving Planned Parenthood amid federal investigation. As we know and we’ve talked about before, Harry, the Department of Justice is now investigating the selling of body parts. A lot of people are speculating that Cecile Richards is getting out before that gets hard and heavy. Interestingly, while she was at Planned Parenthood, abortions increased under her leadership by 11 percent.

DR. REEDER: A lot of people think she’s going out to avoid some implications of this investigation, but she’s going out with the banner “Look what I’ve done for abortion in my tenure. The number of abortions in Planned Parenthood has increased 11 percent. Taxpayer money continues to support Planned Parenthood to the tune of $500 million a year – taxpayer money supports Planned Parenthood.”

She has moved the dial. You do not hear anybody talking about “safe, legal and rare” anymore. Now they are full-out pro-abortion.


The recent bill that was just stopped, Diane Feinstein comes out and says, “This was simply another assault trying to turn back the clock on history,” meaning all of the pro-abortion people think that we should just disappear because of the Roe v. Wade decision in the 1970s. No, we’re not going to disappear. Whenever a state decides to approve murder, I’m not going to disappear – I’m going to speak against it. And I’m going to speak against it in the name of the revealed will of God, the law of God and natural law of God that’s revealed in creation. This is horrific, what we are doing. It’s barbarity at its worst that the most defenseless and the most protected moment are now subject to such assaults.

I agree with Senator Ben Sasse. Let me tell you Cecile Richards’ legacy: Cecile Richards has made Planned Parenthood the No. 1 abortion mill. The abortuary has now found a way to get Planned Parenthood supported to the tune of $500 million, has left the “safe, legal, rare” notion and now is pro-abortion. “We are going to make sure that abortion stands in place” – because you’ve got to have abortion with the sexual revolution because you end up with kids that you don’t want or kids that are “mistakes” or kids that are inconvenient.


Listen, I’ll be more than happy to discuss the less than 1 percent for the life of a mother in terms of abortion – way less than 1 percent. We know what this is about, so go ahead and say what it’s about: Sex is a matter of personal enjoyment and gratification in or outside of marriage with anybody, anytime, anyway. And, every once in a while, you’re going to get an unwanted pregnancy so get rid of it because that means you don’t want the child.

We have embraced Planned Parenthood with its eugenics movement. Cecile Richards has mainstreamed the eugenics movement of the 19th century and Margaret Sanger. Let me remind everyone… people really get upset with me, Tom, because I compare this to Nazi Germany. I think Nazi Germany is a piker compared to us. We now have a government that approves the lethal assault upon a certain class of people, the unborn, at any point and at any time and it doesn’t matter whether it’s painful or not to them.

To those who were saying, “Well, it’s not really sure that they have pain,” well, let’s say, “Well, sure. Would you care? You wouldn’t care. You’d go ahead and kill them anyway.” It’s abortion at any time in any way. That is the exact position of Nazi Germany against the unwanted, beginning with the Jewish population. That’s where we are.


Well, I know what the ultimate answer is. The ultimate answer is a Gospel movement so, folks, if you know Jesus Christ, go share the Gospel and teach people what it means to follow Christ so that this can be erased.

And, dear friends, let’s work for public policy and encourage these courageous senators who voted to move this bill forward and let’s confront those who maintain the abortion mills of this society at any point and at any time and for any reason. Let’s continue to deal with that public policy and identify who embraces the sanctity of life and who does not.


TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, we’re out of time for today. As I mentioned at the top of the program, I want to cover this subject again tomorrow. On tomorrow’s program, I want to deal with the fact that we are now beginning to see the embracing of Roe v. Wade and the pro-choice/pro-abortion movement by some institutions that, just a few years ago, we would have never imagined them embracing it.

DR. REEDER: I just said something a while ago: We need a Gospel awakening for people to be converted and discipled so that the sanctity of life would become embraced and we would bring a ground-up movement that brings the ethics of the Ten Commandments to bear in life but here’s my problem: It is amazing that, in some of the evangelical denominations that hold to the Word of God, that their populations of their churches actually embrace Roe v. Wade. How can that possibly be true? Let’s take that on tomorrow.

Dr. Harry L. Reeder III is the Senior Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham.

This podcast was transcribed by Jessica Havin, editorial assistant for Yellowhammer News. Jessica has transcribed some of the top podcasts in the country and her work has been featured in a New York Times Bestseller.

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