8 Things you probably missed while busy arguing about the Confederate Battle Flag


The last two weeks have been full of emotion-provoking news. From the shootings in Charleston to the legalization of same-sex marriage, distractions have been abundant.

When such news-heavy weeks occur, some politicians and organizations seize the opportunity to “dump” the news they don’t want you to see.

Here are just a few examples of what you might have missed over the last couple of weeks during the scuff-up over the Confederate Battle Flag and the legalization of gay marriage:


[tps_title]1. Alabama’s lawmakers are considering a Soda Tax[/tps_title]

Flickr user Thomas Hawk
Flickr user Thomas Hawk

Several legislators proposed to implement a tax of $0.05 on each 12oz of soda products—which would add $0.60 to each 12-pack of soda you buy. This is one of the many proposals mentioned to legislators in a meeting with Governor Bentley in preparation for a Special Session later this summer. Other tax hikes are reportedly on the table, as well.

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