#8 – Joe Fine

8_squareJoe Fine | Lobbyist | Fine Geddie & Associates

Joe Fine is the most successful contract lobbyist the State of Alabama has ever seen, and it’s really not even close.

He served two terms in the Alabama Senate in the 1970s, the second one as Senate President Pro Tem, so he has first-hand experience with the challenges legislators face trying to pass or kill a bill.

He and his firm’s founding partner (#13 on this list) got in the lobbying game before it was the crowded space it is today. They’ve had a 3-decade run that will be tough for future generations of lobbyists to replicate, and Fine’s earned every bit of his success. To this day, if the Senate is in session, you can be certain that he’s there sitting in the gallery following every moment.

Fine’s client list reads like a who’s who of corporate America — Alabama Power, Alfa, AT&T, Blue Cross Blue Shield, CVS, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Microsoft, Regions… the list could go on and on.

With that kind of horsepower, it would be easy for Fine to walk around the state like he owns the place. But he’s actually one of the most decent people working in Alabama politics. His position in the pantheon of Alabama political legends is secure.



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#9 – Trip Pittman

Cliff Sims February 20, 2014