7 Things: McCabe may take the 5th, Social Security is broke, Alabama Democrats are delusional, and more

1. Disgraced former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe wants immunity or he won’t talk

— As members of Congress attempt to call the fired official his lawyer has demanded that “no testimony or other information provided by Mr. McCabe could be used against him in a criminal case.”

— The Congressional investigation will be focused on how senior officials at the FBI and Justice Department handled the Hillary Clinton’s private email server

2. Social security and Medicare are broke, we already knew this, despite the lies about it

— Medicare’s hospital insurance fund will be emptied in 2026, Social Security’s trust funds would be emptied in 2034, and had to dip into the trust fund to pay for the first time since 1982.

— Republicans have been talking about this for years, they have been called liars, now they have power and need to work on this issue.

3. Alabama Democrats are delusional and believe that Gov. Kay Ivey vs. Walt Maddox could be Roy Moore vs. Doug Jones 2.

— The Democrats and their media are hell-bent on pretending this governor’s race is competitive; they believe that Alabama is in play statewide (it is not).

— Ivey more than doubled Walt Maddox’s primary total, she beat all Democrats combined, and second-place GOP finisher only trailed Maddox by roughly 10,000 votes.

4. Illegal immigrants are flowing in, numbers quadrupled in May

— The Senate began a debate about granting citizenship in January and the number of people entering has surged since, ICE stopped 6,405 children trying to enter the U.S. and caught 9,485 “family units”, this is up big time.

— They are actually prosecuting them too, this upsets people, and now Congressional Republicans are working up a vote on immigration.

5. Media asks where the First Lady is for days, Trump talks about it and he “spreads conspiracies

— After speculation ranging from abuse, a facelift, marriage deterioration, and even her death, President Trump lashed out at the media for their coverage, which included calendar graphics.

— The New York Times headline on the story was changed but originally read, “Trump Defends Melania Trump and Spreads Conspiracies About Her”.

6. Here we go again, “Should Ivey debate?” questions come rolling in

— After Ivey won the ALGOP primary without a run-off, the media seems to want to push the same failed narrative about her refusing debates … again, cocktail parties, medical records, and the “you know what” will follow.

— Her opponent’s campaign is announcing he will gladly debate the governor, knowing it is probably never happening, saying: “Looking forward to it! FYI, she’s not going to stand on the stage with Walt Maddox and let people make the comparison. But, I hope she has a lapse in judgment and chooses to debate Walt.”

7. Scandal-free Obama White House has another scandal uncovered

— Another lie to Congress has been exposed: the Obama administration allowed Iran to convert its questionable payment to U.S. dollars after telling Congress they would not.

— Former Obama administration officials oddly defended the lie by saying they lied to correct other lies. The Associated Press reports: “They said the public assurances that Iran would be kept out were intended to dispel incorrect reports about nonexistent proposals that would have gone much farther by letting Iran actually buy or sell things in dollars”