7 Things: Jones supports impeachment inquiry, Byrne targets Biden, support for impeachment spikes and more …

7. Huntsville is a great place to live

  • Huntsville is awesome and you should live there according to a study done by US News, who ranked the top 125 places to live in the United States based on a strong job market and high quality of life.
  • With one being the lowest and 10 being the highest, Huntsville received the following ratings for each category: Desirability – 5.4%, Value – 8.8%, Job Market – 7.3%, Quality of Life – 6.6% and Net Migration – 7.0%. Overall, Huntsville received a 7.1% scorecard rating. US News ranked Huntsville the 11th-best city to live.

6. ICE nails dozens  of illegal immigrants on sex crime charges 

  • Active ICE Director Matthew Albence gave insight on a recent operation that led to the arrest of dozens of illegal immigrants that have a history of child sex offenses.
  • The director used this opportunity to slam sanctuary cities for putting anything else over the security of our communities, saying, It’s time to publicly call out those who have put politics over public safety, those who make our communities less secure, who create safe havens in which criminal aliens and gangs are allowed to flourish and can victimize innocent people with impunity.”

5. We kind of know who the whistleblower is

  • The New York Times reported that the whistleblower on Trump’s phone call with Ukraine is a CIA officer who was detailed to work at the White House, according to three people familiar with his identity.
  • The whistleblower, who received his information secondhand, has now stated that President Trump abused his powers to “solicit interference” from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 election and the White House took steps to cover it up.

4. Trump calls whistleblower informant “close to a spy

  • Now that the all of the attention seems to be on the impeachment of the president, Trump is not happy with whoever informed the whistleblower the information that led to the release of a now-controversial transcript between President Trump and the president of Ukraine.
  • Trump said on Thursday that whoever fed the information to the whistleblower is “close to a spy,” and he went on to say that in the old days, spies were handled differently, which set off a new frenzy of people claiming the president was threatening the life of the whistleblower.

3. Poll shows support for impeachment growing

  • A recent poll shows that support for impeachment has soared amid non-stop media coverage and his conviction in the press, but Republicans and independents are still not convinced.
  • The first major Republican, Vermont Governor Phil Scott, came out in favor of impeachment, saying he is not surprised that Trump allegedly pressured the Ukrainian president to look into Biden because he has “watched him over the years,” but he also stated that he wanted to see more information before moving forward.

2. Byrne says Biden should follow Trump’s lead 

  • U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) is one of many Republicans who is tired of the constant search for something to use against the president. He said the release of the transcript between Trump and the president of Ukraine is no different, calling it, Just another witch hunt by the Dems who still refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election.”
  • Byrne took it a step further by stating, “Transcript DOES show the need for a serious investigation into the Bidens and their actions in Ukraine.” He added, “Biden needs to answer to this: Why was his son paid $50K a month to lobby a Ukraine company and why was the prosecutor fired after starting to look into corrupt trade deals within the company?”

1. Doug Jones favors impeachment, wants to straddle the issue

  • While every other Democrat seems to be using the Trump/Ukraine transcript to put a nail in the impeachment coffin, U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) supports impeachment while admitting there is no “smoking gun” and acknowledging, “We are nowhere close to having the full picture here.”
  • Jones is no stranger to straddling the fence. He clearly supports the Democrats’ current efforts. He remarked, “I support a fact-finding mission. I support the House finding out the facts. It’s important to get the facts out there. That is the prerogative of the House of Representatives. The things we’ve seen this week with the release of the summary of the phone call, then the whistleblower complaint – you can call it what you want to, it doesn’t matter what they call it – I just want to get to the facts.”