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ALGOP keynote speaker Scott Walker not eligible for steering committee under proposed amendment

The Alabama Republican Party will be host to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker tonight at the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery where Walker will be the keynote speaker at the ALGOP’s Summer Dinner.

But under an amendment proposed by Don Wallace of Tuscaloosa and Bonnie Sachs of Double Springs, Walker would not be eligible to be on the ALGOP’s steering committee. The proposed amendment would revoke membership of those on the party’s steering committee of anyone who publicly supports a position contrary to the most recent GOP platform.

In the most recent platform adopted at the Republican National Convention in 2012 in Tampa, the GOP’s view on marriage is clearly defined:

“We reaffirm our support for a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. We applaud the citizens of the majority of States which have enshrined in their constitutions the traditional concept of marriage, and we support the campaigns underway in several other States to do so.”

Although Walker is hardly in favor of same-sex marriage, and has no plans to push for it in Wisconsin, his view varies from the language in the 2012 GOP platform.

In an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” back in March, Walker explained his view, which is not to have the government involved in defining marriage and to leave it up to religious institutions.

“The interesting thing on the generational standpoint is I’ve had young people ask me I think an appropriate question, is not expanding it to include folks who are not one man and woman but rather questioning why the government is sanctioning it in the first place,” Walker said. “And that would be an alternative to say not have the government sanction marriage, period and leave that up to the churches and the synagogue and others to decide that.”

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