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More conservative state leaders voice their support for Amendment Two

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, Senate Pro Tem Del Marsh, House Speaker Mac McCutcheon, state Rep. Will Ainsworth and other top leadership figures in the Alabama Legislature voiced their strong support for Amendment Two – the pro-life constitutional amendment on Tuesday’s general election ballot.

Governor Kay Ivey, on multiple previous occasions, has expressed her backing of the amendment, which is opposed by her Democratic opponent in the gubernatorial contest, Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox.

In a press release from the Alliance for a Pro-life Alabama, Marshall said, “One of the biggest honors I have as your Attorney General is fighting for the rights of the unborn. I have aggressively defended Alabama’s pro-life laws and fought alongside other states as they did the same. Now, you have an opportunity to join me in standing for life by voting YES on Amendment Two.”

This comes the day after Marshall made public his intent to take a potentially historic pro-life appeal to the United States Supreme Court.

Ainsworth, who, like Marshall, is from Marshall County, added, “As a candidate for Lt. Governor and, hopefully, once in office, I will continue to champion the pro-life cause and fight the liberal elites who mock conservative Alabamians for our stand. Each and every life is a gift from God, and I support the passage of Amendment 2 on Nov. 6th.”

If Ainsworth is victorious, as he is expected to be, on Tuesday against Democrat Will Boyd, he will work closely with Marsh, the powerful leader of the Alabama State Senate. Marsh also expressed his unwavering commitment to life and warned Alabamians that Planned Parenthood and other out-of-state groups are trying to spend over $1 million in dark money to advance their pro-abortion causes.

“It should come as no surprise that liberal groups from around the country have come to Alabama and spent millions of dollars to defeat Amendment 2. I strongly encourage everyone to get out and vote on November 6th and show the country that Alabama is a state that values the lives of unborn children,” Marsh emphasized.

The leader of the state’s House of Representatives, McCutcheon, is also a strong proponent of Amendment Two.

“On November 6th, Alabama has the opportunity to show the nation how strong our conservative values are by adding language to our state constitution acknowledging the sanctity of unborn life,” McCutcheon commented. “I am proud to stand behind Amendment Two and would encourage all Alabamians to vote yes on Tuesday, the 6th.”

These strong pro-life sentiments were echoed by Senate Majority Leader Greg Reed and McCutcheon’s colleague in the House, Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter.

“Amendment Two will protect the sanctity of all life in Alabama by ensuring that our God-given rights extend to the most defenseless among us, unborn children, ” Reed said. “I urge my fellow Alabamians to stand for a culture of life by voting yes on Amendment Two on November 6th.”

Ledbetter advised, “As Planned Parenthood and other liberal groups make their way into Alabama we are seeing our conservative values being attacked daily. It is crucial that Alabamians join together to fight for the rights of the unborn by voting yes for Statewide Amendment Two.”

Despite Planned Parenthood’s massive, “false and misleading advertising campaign,” state Sen. Phil Williams, who sponsored Amendment Two in the Alabama Senate, is confident that Alabamians will reject Planned Parenthood’s values and stand for life on November 6th.

“Planned Parenthood has pumped nearly a million dollars of out-of-state dark money into Alabama to defeat Amendment Two. Planned Parenthood represents a culture of death, and their celebration of abortion-on-demand is sickening to see,” Williams remarked.

Williams added, “President Trump is remaking the judiciary through the appointment of solid constitutional judges like Brett Kavanaugh, and Amendment Two will help make Alabama a haven for life as our nation returns to a respect for the U.S. Constitution and for the sanctity of all life.”

These prominent public officials join Ivey, Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh, Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan and former state Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin in formally endorsing the pro-life constitutional amendment.

Cavanaugh, Lathan and McClurkin are serving as co-chairs of the Alliance for a Pro-Life Alabama. The Alliance is composed of various pro-life advocates around the state, including clergy and ministry organizations, public policy and legal think tanks, elected officials, and front-line care-givers and counseling centers which minister to pregnant women.

You can read the objective Fair Ballot Commission’s entire write-up on the amendment here.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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