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Moore: Same-sex marriage today, polygamy and incest tomorrow


ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) on Tuesday led with the events of Alabama’s first day of same-sex marriage — a day that saw some gay couples able to get married (and divorced) for the first time, while others continued to wait as many local probate judges stopped issuing marriage licenses all together.

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has placed himself at the center of the firestorm by issuing an order for probate judges to defy the federal court ruling that found the state’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.

GMA’s Steve Osunsami traveled to Montgomery Monday to cover the day’s events and to interview Mr. Moore. The full segment can be viewed above, but the question and answer that many are already buzzing about on social media can be found below.

Steve Osunsami: Do you worry that you will end up on the wrong side of history here?

Roy Moore: Wrong side of history? Absolutely not. Do they stop with one man and one man, or one woman and one woman? Or do they go to multiple marriages? Or do they go to marriages between men and their daughters, or women and their sons?

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