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Mike Rogers’ report from Washington: Choosing greatness in the state of our Union

As most folks may have seen on television, on Tuesday, February 5, President Donald Trump made his way to the House of Representatives chamber to finally give his State of the Union address to Congress and to all Americans.

I was thrilled with President Trump’s inspiring vision for our nation. And I was particularly pleased with his tone and call for unity across party lines.

This State of the Union address was delayed due to the partial federal government shutdown that dragged on for 35 days.

The rescheduled speech happened to be on the heels of an impressive Jobs Report for January that was released on Friday, February 1. Over 300,000 jobs were added proving that our economy is truly booming under President Trump’s leadership.

I strongly support President Trump’s call to secure our porous Southwest border with Mexico.

Our sovereignty during this national security and humanitarian crisis at the border has become threatened all over two words: border wall. Semantics are taking our security hostage. Call it whatever you want, but walls work and we need one now.

As the top Republican on the Committee on Homeland Security and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, our country’s security is one of my top priorities and I will continue to support President Trump as he works to secure our border and keep our nation safe.

As a father of three, I was pleased to hear President Trump talk about the importance of every life – born and unborn.

The recent news from New York and Virginia on late-term abortions is plain and simple murder.  I appreciate President Trump’s strong stance on this issue and will always stand up for the rights of the unborn. They are precious gifts from God.

As we move forward, I hope Congress can come upon an agreement to secure our borders and finally build the wall.

As always, I want to hear from you on this or any issue.

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U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers is a Republican from Saks. 

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