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Gov. Kay Ivey: Putting faith first

My faith has always come first for me. From my earliest days on our family farm in lower Alabama, to my teenage years when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, and every single day since. That’s why as Governor, protecting religious freedom, and our values, remains my top priority. And make no mistake: our Christian values are under attack.

This week as Alabamians across the state gathered together to celebrate Easter with friends and family, I was reminded of the unique rights and freedoms the Constitution provide for us to openly express our faith.

These freedoms, however, shouldn’t be taken for granted; They did not come freely, and we must remain vigilant to preserve this precious liberty.

Nearly a year ago, I placed my hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution, and as your Governor, I’ve stood strong in my commitment.

When I accepted Christ as my Savior, I made a decision to follow Jesus and allow him to be Lord of my life. I understand first hand that faith in God is more than a set of beliefs, it’s a way of life. No law or government should ever stand in the way of that walk of faith.
As Governor, I am dedicated to ensuring your religious freedom is protected regardless of where you are – whether at church, your home or place of business. But we haven’t stopped there.

We know that an attack on a fellow American’s faith is an attack on our own, which is why Alabama joined together with other states to defend the right of every American to live out their faith.

As a pro-life conservative, I believe our Constitutional rights begin at conception. Fighting for our freedoms also means fighting to defend the unborn.

That’s why I supported President Trump’s action to rollback Obama-era regulations and stop the use of taxpayer money to pay for abortions. Prohibiting the use of Medicaid dollars for abortions or abortion-related services is another important step towards saving the unborn, and I will continue to defend those who can’t defend themselves.

Religious liberty is a founding principle of our nation, and as your Governor, I am working every day to protect those rights.

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