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Huckabee: Sessions on short list for AG because of his ‘adherence to the Constitution’

(Audio above: Gov. Mike Huckabee says Jeff Sessions would be on his short list for AG)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — During an interview on Yellowhammer Radio with Cliff Sims Thursday, former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions would be among the first people he’d consider asking to join his team in the White House.

Sims asked Huckabee to talk about individuals who may fill top positions inside his presidential administration, specifically in the cabinet.

“We’ve got a guy down here in Alabama that we’re all big fans of, you may have heard of him, his name is Jeff Sessions,” said Sims. “Would you be open to the possibility of Jeff Sessions sliding into the role of Attorney General, or some other cabinet post?”

Huckabee did not hesitate.

“Jeff Sessions would be on the short list for AG,” he said. “He and I agree on a lot of things — immigration, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). I’m one of the few Republicans who joined him in believing the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disaster for working people across this country. And I appreciate the fact that he is strong for fundamental adherence to the Constitution. I think this is the single greatest issue the next president faces. When he takes the oath office, will he in fact enforce and uphold the Constitution—all of it? Will he resist the notion to surrender the entire executive branch over to the judiciary? Because we have got to stop the judicial tyranny that has threatened our basic form of government and our way of life.”

Huckabee said one specific role Sessions would play as Attorney General would be leading the Justice Department in defending religious liberty anywhere in the country it is threatened.

“I’d make sure I had an Attorney General and a Justice Department who were dispatched to any part of the country in which people’s religious liberties were being trampled,” said Huckabee, “whether it was a Kentucky county clerk, whether it was a florist in Washington, whether it was a photographer in New Mexico. The Justice Department would be there to defend the First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty not to join in and actually pummel the religious liberty rights of people. That would be fundamental.”

Yellowhammer Radio with Cliff Sims airs daily from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Superstation 101 in central and north Alabama, and can be streamed online and on the TuneIn app.

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