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Griffith unhinged in new TV ad: ‘Robert Bentley is a coward!’

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Parker Griffith hasn’t gotten a lot of traction in Alabama with his platform of two key issues: expanding Medicaid under ObamaCare and implementing a statewide lottery.

He has, however, made some headlines for his fiery, and often bizarre, rhetoric.

In April he used profanity to try to get his followers ginned up while declaring the tea party is “worse than you think.”

In July he compared Alabama politics to warring Islamic sects.

Later that month he said Democrats “stuck him in the butt with a knife” and made him run for governor after others backed out.

Today, Yellowhammer has learned that Griffith is releasing his first round of television ads, with an approximately $72,000 ad buy spread across the Birmingham ($25k), Huntsville ($14k), Montgomery ($8k) and Mobile ($25k) television markets.

In the ad, which can be viewed above, Griffith practically yells into the camera as he declares Bentley a “failed governor and a coward.”

Here’s the full transcript:

For months, I’ve asked Robert Bentley for a debate. He’s been to Paris, he’s been all over Europe. But he will not debate me.


He cannot defend not expanding Medicaid — Alabamians are dying. He can’t defend not allowing us to vote on an education lottery. He can’t defend the worst record in America as far as job creation.

Robert Bentley is a failed governor and a coward.

People need a debate. A cancer doctor and a dermatologist. I’d pay to see that.

Bentley and Griffith are both scheduled to speak this weekend to the Associations of County Commissions. Insiders are speculating that Griffith may seize the opportunity to pull some type of publicity stunt.

We’ll be watching.


Follow Cliff on Twitter @Cliff_Sims

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