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As racial and anti-police violence swept the nation, Montgomery stopped to pray (Video)

You probably didn’t see it in the traditional media — in the local newspaper or TV news. And the truth is, they preferred it that way. “We didn’t want this to be for any kind of show,” one of them said after the fact. And you certainly didn’t hear about it in the national news — there wasn’t any shock value.

But while racial and anti-police violence was sweeping the country this summer, citizens of Montgomery, Alabama, didn’t take to the streets in a tirade of escalating emotions or try to make a political statement, they did something that, when you really think about it, is actually pretty shocking in this day and age.

They stopped. And prayed.

Chason Smitherman, a local videographer, documented “the day the people prayed,” capturing dozens of local residents joining together with law enforcement officers to pray together on the steps of the Montgomery Police Department.

Here are some of the comments he got while filming:

• All cops are not bad caps, there are just a couple of bad apples. So you come and support the ones who do a good job.

• They put their lives on the line for us every day. What a blessing to love on them.

• Prayer changes things. God answers prayers. Prayer is the one thing that gets ahold of God’s power, God’s grace, and moves into situations. Right now our nation is in need of prayer. We’re just taking some time away as the body of Christ coming together as a whole.

• I know that prayer is the key to having the Lord to move on our situation.

• We didn’t want this to be for any kind of show… There’s too much real need there, and we need God to hear us for real results.

• They protect us, they lead our children, they set an example. I think we can all take a little time out of our schedules to support our community.

Check out the full video above.

1. Alabama remains peaceful as racially-charged violence sweeps the nation. Here’s why.
2. Head of Alabama’s largest Christian denomination: We need spiritual awakening, not politics

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