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Alabamians are showing support for cops in the wake of the Dallas shootings. Here’s how.

"Thin Blue Lines" have begun popping up across the country (photo: Anthony Welichko)
“Thin Blue Lines” have begun popping up across the country (photo: Anthony Welichko)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — In the wake of Thursday’s Dallas police shootings, in which multiple police officers were killed or wounded by snipers who violently interrupted otherwise peaceful protests, many Alabamians are planning public expressions of support for local law enforcement.

A Texan has developed the “Safe Harbor Initiative,” using the “thin blue line” as a signal of support to community police officers, and many Alabamians are participating.

In a post on Facebook, small business owner Anthony Welichko explained what officers could expect when they see a thin blue stripe spray-painted on the curb in a neighborhood.

To all law enforcement who see this line, know that the residents of this home appreciate your service and dedication to keeping the peace. Know that when you enter the neighborhood and see these lines that you are not alone or without “back-up”. We do not need the media to make our voices of support for our police and emergency services heard (though it would be nice). Lastly, if you are in my neighborhood and mean to harm a member of law enforcement, know that decision may be hazardous to you health as someone has that officers back!

Welichko’s post has been shared over 80,000 times, and thin blue lines are already starting to show up on curbs in neighborhoods across the state.

Other Alabamians took to social media to encourage their friends and co-workers to wear blue clothes or ribbons in support of police officers, and others pledged to place blue lightbulbs on their front porch.

“My plan is to replace my porch light with a blue light bulb to honor our heroes in blue,” said one social media commenter. “I want them to know me and my household are behind them and appreciate them.”

Some Alabamians are installing blue porch lights as a sign of support for law enforcement.
Some Alabamians are installing blue porch lights as a sign of support for law enforcement.

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