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(Video) EXCHANGE: Rand talks 2016, expanding the GOP & what he’d do as Commander-in-Chief

(Video above: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) enters the “Yellowhammer Exchange” with Cliff Sims)

In an exclusive interview, Yellowhammer News founder and CEO Cliff Sims sat down with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over the weekend to discuss the Senator’s possible 2016 Presidential run, what the Republican party needs to do to attract new voters, his foreign policy positions, and even played a little word association game.

“I have good news and bad news,” Paul told the audience at the Alabama Republican Party dinner over the weekend. “The good news is your government is open. The bad news is your government is open.”

The libertarian-leaning senator’s speech was well-received by Alabama conservatives, and Yellowhammer’s interview gives a more in-depth look at a political figure who has burst into the national conversation in recent years, and is possibly aiming to be the leader of the free world.

Check out the full exclusive interview in the video above.

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