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Not watching the DNC? Here’s everything you need to know about the first two days.

Democratic National Convention (Photo: Screenshot)
Democratic National Convention (Photo: Screenshot)

A lot has happened since the Democratic National Convention got underway on Monday. And since you probably did not have the stomach to sit through it all, here’s a recap of pretty much everything you need to know.

Leading up to the DNC:

When Mitt Romney warned about the resurgence of Russia as a geopolitical threat in 2012, President Barack Obama openly mocked him, saying, “The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back.”

Now the entire Democratic Party is trying to convince us that Russian President Vladimir Putin is so powerful he can bend U.S. national elections to his will.

Day 1 of the DNC:

They booed the prayer, didn’t have a single American flag in sight, and not even one of the speakers mentioned ISIS or radical Islamic terrorism.

Day 2 of the DNC:

The head of Planned Parenthood, an organization that slaughters 300,000 human beings each year, was applauded as she lectured about “human rights.”

President Bill Clinton declared, “You can drop (Hillary) into any trouble spot, pick one, and somehow she will make it better.” Unfortunately Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other American heroes left behind in ‪Benghazi‬ weren’t available to comment.

“The 1%” were vilified, even though they pay almost half of the federal income taxes, but there was no mention of the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have made a combined $153 million — over $200,000 per hour — in speaking fees since 2001, including many millions from “evil” Wall St. banks like Goldman Sachs.

Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln were celebrated for their contributions to human liberty. They were both Republicans.

And radical Islamic terrorism once again got exactly the same number of mentions as Monica Lewinsky: zero.

Oh, but they did pull out a handful of American flags to put on stage this time, and they didn’t boo the prayer. So I suppose that could be considered progress.

What to watch for on Day 3:

The Associated Press is reporting that “supporters of Bernie Sanders plan to hold a ‘fart-in’ at the Democratic National Convention to protest the party’s primary process.”

1. DNC DISUNITY: Alabama and Delaware delegates square off over seating arrangements
2. Democrats call Alabama’s voter ID law ‘racist’ but require DNC delegates to show ID to vote

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