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Doug Jones: ‘I support Joe Biden’

Former Vice President Joe Biden officially announced his presidential bid on Thursday morning, with Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) tweeting out his support for Biden’s campaign shortly thereafter.

Jones said, “The quality that makes Joe stand out is his ability to bring people together to find common ground while standing up for what he believes is right. We need to listen to each other & get things done for working people. Joe can, and will, do that. That’s why I support Joe Biden.”

This came the day after Yellowhammer News reported on Jones concluding that sexual misconduct allegations against Biden were a distraction to the Democrats’ ultimate goal: Beating President Donald Trump in 2020.

Jones remarked, “I don’t think Joe Biden ever had the kind of intention… in a harassing kind of way or an assaulting kind of way.”

Jones is also up for re-election in 2020. He has pledged to back whomever the Democrats’ presidential nominee is against Trump, no matter how radical that individual is.

Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-01) and former Auburn University head football coach Tommy Tuberville are the only Republican candidates to have officially announced bids against Jones thus far.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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