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D.C.-area ‘Feminist Majority Foundation’ joins Maddox and Planned Parenthood in fighting pro-life amendment

Alabama’s proposed Amendment Two to the state constitution is drawing heavy attention from out-of-state liberal groups, with Planned Parenthood now being joined by the Arlington, VA-based “Feminist Majority Foundation” in forming its own PAC in the state to oppose the pro-life amendment.

Called “Alabama Students Voting No on Amendment 2,” the PAC was not formed by students in the state, but instead lists two national Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) staffers on its filing paperwork. The chairperson is Sherril Dingle, the organization’s national campus coordinator for historically black colleges and universities, and the treasurer is Diane Cutri, the foundation’s vice president. The paperwork also lists contact information for Gaylynn Burroughs, FMF’s director of policy and research.

In its first financial disclosure filed this week, the PAC lists a $5,000 cash contribution from FMF and two in-kind contributions from the organization totaling $1,429.37. The only listed expense is a transportation cost incurred by Dingle.

FMF, which was co-founded by Gloria Steinem, runs “Feminist Majority Campus,” which is called “the world’s largest pro-choice student network” on its website.

“FMF launched the program to inform young feminists about the very real threats to abortion access, women’s rights, affirmative action, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights posed by right-wing extremists,” the website adds.

Yellowhammer News’ inquiry to FMF regarding the PAC has gone unanswered.

Amendment Two “would add language to the state constitution acknowledging the sanctity of unborn life and stipulating that the state constitution provides no right to abortion.”

You can read the objective Fair Ballot Commission’s write-up on the amendment, which Alabamians will vote on November 6, here.

Along with FMF, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and Democratic gubernatorial nominee and Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox are working to defeat this amendment.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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