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Cruz details first day as President at Alabama event. It sounds awesome. (Opinion)

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Speaking to a packed house of Republican activists and elected officials on Tuesday, U.S. Senator and GOP presidential contender Ted Cruz wowed the crowd with a detailed plan for his first 24 hours in the White House.

The conservative firebrand was interrupted by applause throughout his remarks. A quick recap of his “day one” agenda will make it abundantly clear why.

Here is his plan for a busy first day in the West Wing:

1. Roll back President Obama’s executive actions

The first thing I will do is rescind every illegal and unconstitutional executive action by this president. He says he’s got ‘a phone and a pen.’ Well, if you live by the pen, you die by the pen. I’ve got a pen, too. And mine has an eraser!

2. Take down Planned Parenthood

I will instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and these videos and to prosecute any and all criminal violations by that organization.

3. Defend religious liberty

I will inform the Department of Justice and the IRS and every other federal agency that the persecution of religious liberty ends today. That means every serviceman and woman can worship God almighty with all their heart, mind and soul and their commanding officer has nothing to say about it.

4. “Shred” the Iran nuclear deal

I will rip to shreds the catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal. The greatest national security threat we face is the threat of a nuclear Iran… President Obama took a break from playing golf to say he didn’t appreciate my rhetoric when I said this deal would make the Obama Administration the world’s leading financier of radical Islamic terrorism… The truth is not rhetoric. If he doesn’t like the rhetoric, there’s any easy solution: stop financing radical Islamic terrorism.

5. Move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

I will begin the process of moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the once and eternal capital of Israel.

“That’s day one,” Cruz intoned to roaring applause. But he didn’t stop there.

He went on to detail other issues he would focus on during his time in office.

A Cruz Administration would “instruct the Department of Education, which should be abolished, that Common Core ends today.” He promised to “repeal every word of ObamaCare,” ” rebuild the military” and “stand up to ISIS and defeat radical Islamic terrorism.” He would “secure the border, end sanctuary cities and stop the indefensible policy of releasing violent illegal criminal aliens.” Cruz also said he will push Congress to “adopt a simple flat tax where every American can fill out their taxes on a post card. And when we do that we should abolish the IRS.”

But the line that may stick with the GOP faithful the most came late in the speech, and is the point he hopes separates him from the crowded Republican field.

“The single biggest difference with me,” Cruz passionately explained, “is that when I tell you I’m going to do something, I’m going to do exactly what I told you I would do.”

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