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Conservative veterans stand with Tuberville against ‘illegal and immoral policies’

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville is receiving praise from some military veterans for continuing his hold on military promotions in the Senate.

A group of national security experts and military veterans with the Heritage Foundation, a Washington D.C. conservative research group, released a statement in support of Tuberville.

To mark this year’s Veterans Day, Robert Greenway, director of Heritage’s Center for National Defense; JV Venable, senior research fellow, defense policy; Dakota Wood, senior research fellow, defense programs; Wilson Beaver, senior policy analyst, defense budgeting; James Jay Carafano, senior counselor to the president and E.W. Richardson fellow; and Steven Bucci, visiting fellow, all expressed their backing of senator’s fight against the Department of Defense’s current abortion policy.

“We stand united in our support of Sen. Tuberville’s opposition to the Department of Defense’s illegal and immoral policies that attempt to bypass U.S. law and which further erode America’s trust in the capability of the U.S. armed forces to fulfill its mission,” they said. “In February 2023, the Department of Defense circumvented Congress and issued new policies that violate the law by using taxpayer funds to enable servicemembers to obtain an abortion and to indemnify department staff who may violate state criminal protections of the unborn. The American people have indicated time and again that they do not approve of using taxpayer funds to fund and promote abortions.”

The veterans argued that Tuberville’s hold do not harm current military readiness.

“It is essential those who take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States comply with our laws. Failure to do so undermines public trust and confidence and the chain of command,” they said. “Claims that the pending appointments of senior defense officials leave gaps which impact readiness are misplaced. Sen. Tuberville is only opposing the block advancement of nominations by unanimous consent. Our military is fortunate to have fully qualified officers capable of fulfilling the duties of any vacant position in its ranks.”

RELATED: Tuberville stands firm against military abortion policy as GOP Senators break ranks

The group said they appreciated the senator’s “principled stand.”

“Sen. Tuberville is taking a principled stand that strengthens our constitutional democracy,” they argued, “and as veterans we support his opposition to these policies for the sake of our military, the rule of law, and the unborn.” 

Tuberville has faced recent criticism from some of his fellow Republican senators, but said he has no plans of backing down from his holds anytime soon.

“People can’t handle the pressure up here. It doesn’t bother me,” Tuberville said Thursday on WVNN. “I’m speaking up for the American people and for the people of Alabama. And they deserve their representatives to vote on this, not be dictated by communists from the White House and the Pentagon.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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