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Alabama Minority GOP Chair: Trump’s law & order platform will deliver ‘landslide’ victory

Alabama Minority GOP Chairman Phillip Brown speaks at the 2016 Minority Republican Party banquet.
Alabama Minority GOP Chairman Phillip Brown speaks at the 2016 Minority Republican Party banquet.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — After watching this week’s Republican National Convention and listening to Donald J. Trump’s nomination acceptance speech Thursday, the chairman of the Alabama Minority GOP has come to the conclusion that Trump is going to be swept into the White House by a wave of support from Americans whose top issue are safety and security.

“He’s a rule-of-law type of person,” Alabama Minority GOP Chairman Phillip Brown told the Birmingham Times. “That’s the only way we can make America safe: by having people support the rule of laws in this country. We are not a nation of men; we’re a nation of laws.”

“We are no longer a leading nation in the world,” he continued. “The idea of American exceptionalism has been downplayed as if America isn’t great; When Trump says ‘Make America Great Again,’ we’re getting back to that greatness that we once were.”

Trump’s Republican nomination acceptance speech Thursday night painted the picture of a nation in peril, with enemies at the gates, and some perhaps already inside.

“Together, we will lead our party back to the White House, and we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace,” said Trump. “We will be a country of generosity and warmth. But we will also be a country of law and order.

“There can be no prosperity without law and order,” Trump said later in his remarks. “When I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order our country… I am the law And order candidate.”

The media has frequently criticized Trump for his comments about immigrants and cited polling that shows him receiving very little support among black and latino voters, but Brown says public safety is an issue that crosses demographic lines.

“He will win by a landslide,” he concluded.

(h/t Birmingham Times)

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