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Watch: Even as narratives about voting laws get disproven, the propaganda machine keeps pushing their own truths

Georgia lost MLB's All-Star game because of the voting law changes after the 2020 election, with opponents claiming it would suppress voter turnout. That did...

Watch: Amoral people ask amoral questions that could involve linking limiting the population to baby formula

The issues of abortion and a baby formula shortage have nothing to do with each other in the real world, but only in the...

U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races in very different places and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and 256Today CEO Mecca Musick take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including: — How did the U.S. Senate...

Watch: Republicans voted against the Democrats’ baby formula bill because it does nothing to fix the actual problem

The Biden administration, the media and their Democrats are finally coming around to the fact that the handling of the baby formula shortage left...

Watch: Members of the media wonder who could be making threats over a court ruling

The Department of Homeland Security is warning that violence is likely once the order overturning Roe v. Wade is officially released. The participants in this...

Watch: The media and their Democrats have promoted replacement theory for years, but there is tape, and that is why people talk about it

The shooting in Buffalo is a great opportunity by the media and their Democrats to call all of their political enemies "racists" and conspiracy...

Watch: Historic new press secretary gives a historically bad answer on her first day

For as much hype as new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre received, you would expect her to be good at her job. But she...

Watch: All the people I already despise are responsible for this latest terrible thing, and I should get what I wanted all along

No matter the news of the day, the American media will attempt to make any story about how evil Republicans are going to destroy...

Statewide races tighten, Supreme Court leak gets ugly and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and 256Today CEO Mecca Musick take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including: — With Mike Durant falling in...

Watch: The gender pay gap isn’t real, but that won’t stop MSNBC from pretending a Republican candidate despises women

The media is constantly attempting to craft narratives using Republican candidates and their missteps to paint all Republicans as bad guys. Sometimes, they just fabricate...

Watch: Now the Biden administration wants to take credit for the state of grocery store shelves and booming economy? Let them

The Biden administration is attempting to spin the current economic situation in their favor by implying that what we are all seeing is a...

Watch: Complaining about protests is an American pastime, but the media’s hypocrisy on this issue is actually impressive

When protesters show up outside of Supreme Court justices' homes, they are breaking the law, and everyone knows it. Strangely, the media and their Democrats...

Watch: GOP lawmakers appearing on CNN need to be able to adequately defend their positions against the disingenuous attacks they will receive

When Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves (R) appeared on CNN with Jake Tapper, he was not prepared for the easily expected trap that the media...

Watch: The overturning of Supreme Court precedent built America into the nation it is today — Ignorance requires we pretend this isn’t true

Desegregation, gay marriage and many other issues that impact modern society have been decided by the Supreme Court overruling a previous ruling. This will...

Supreme Court leaks’ impact on Alabama, U.S. Senate race tightens and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Yellowhammer News' Yaffee take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including: — Who leaked the Supreme Court order that...

Watch: Stoking the anger of the mob seems to be the reason for the Supreme Court’s leak

Immediately following the Supreme Court draft opinion leak, it became clear that this was done to energize Democrats for the 2022 election. The more extreme...

Watch: A Ministry of Truth sounds good to some because they get to pick the people running it

A Disinformation Governance Board is being set up in the Department of Homeland Security to tell Americans what is and is not misinformation by...

Less than one month to go before the primary, Biden waffling on student loans and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and 256Today CEO Mecca Musick take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including: — With one month to go,...

Watch: The best and brightest liberal cable news stars want to tell you how to live but have no idea how this country works

One of the big lies cable news hosts like to tell during the Biden administration is that Democrats have the votes to accomplish their...

Watch: When CNN can’t blame economic news on Trump, they just declare it is ‘quirky’ and doesn’t really matter

A retraction in the economy shows that inflation, energy prices and general discontentment are affecting the growth in the United States' Gross Domestic Product,...

Watch: MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough thinks the 2022 election is a referendum on you as a person and not Joe Biden’s terrible policies

The 2022 midterms are going to be pretty bad for Democrats, and their cheerleaders in the media seem to know that. Unfortunately, for them, the...

Watch: The media elite are telling on themselves as they warn you that Twitter could become a weapon wielded against them

After a 2020 election where the American media and big tech colluded to hide information from the American people, you would think they would...

Trump endorsement in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race in question, Ivey taking on the world in reelection campaign and more on Alabama Politics This Week...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and 256Today CEO Mecca Musick take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including: — Will there be an endorsement...

Watch: Attacks on people of faith over politics are fine, but only one particular faith

MSNBC contributor Matthew Dowd, a former Bush/Cheney strategist, gleefully takes to cable news to rip conservative Christians for not being Christian enough. Dowd's attack is...