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Local media incompetents mangle a Tuberville quote and the White House pretends he’s against Israel

 Is there not a legitimate argument to make against U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn)? Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a...

7 Things: War rages in Israel and on college campuses; Scalise drops out of House race; and more …

7. While Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin completely folded to a woke mob over supporting Israel, some Alabama cities are standing with the victims of...

Carlee Russell looking at a year in jail, should have pleaded guilty

Carlee Russell is making a mess of her case. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m....

7 Things: AL’s Moore is one holding up Speaker vote; media and their Democrats can’t not vilify Israel; and more …

7. 2018 GOP candidate for governor and multi-term successful mayor of Huntsville Tommy Battle is running for re-election by touting the continuing success of...

Tuberville targeted for removal from human race by disgraced 4-star general

Former CIA Director and current media darling Gen. Michael Hayden (Ret.) suggested U.S. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) be removed from the "human race." Dale Jackson is a...

7 Things: Biden says U.S. supports Israel but doesn’t mention Iran; Tuberville threatened; and more…

7. Alabama Democrats are still a mess and the national party wants them to redo their votes to remove some of their favorite pet...

Alabama’s only Jewish state representative misses mark with criticism, blames everyone but Biden

 Iran is the clear villain, Joe Biden helped them. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m....

7 Things: Biden AWOL as Israel ramps up; Britt slams appeasement as media covers for the administration; and more …

7. The Alabama medical marijuana experiment has been a complete disaster and the former State Rep. Mike Ball (R-Madison), wants the state to quit...

Supporting Israel a no-brainer today, Birmingham mayor takes coward’s way out

 Birmingham's mayor is a complete coward. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m. weekdays on WVNN and on Talk...

Deflecting Biden’s blunder with Iran, the media and Democrats attack Tuberville

 When Biden can't be defended, the media attacks U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R- Auburn). Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a...

7 Things: Israel under attack and the Left lacks a spine; Speaker of the House drama; and more …

7. Biloxi, Miss.'s mayor may have solved the city's homeless issue by sending homeless people to Mobile, Ala. Mobile would like them to stop. 6....

Speaker drama grinds DC to a halt; replacement unknown as AL Republicans vote to keep McCarthy; and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

 Radio talk show hosts Dale Jackson and WVNN's Yaffee (in for 256 Today CEO Mecca Musick) take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories. Mecca Musick...

7 Things: Democrats may be gifted a congressional seat; Biden reluctant to protect border but Ivey sends troops; and more …

7. A school shooting was prevented in Pike County when the killer confided in a friend at school that he had killed his brother...

Behavior of activists and libraries is sending out call for legislative intervention

Every controversy over library books screams for intervention. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m. weekdays...

7 Things: Moore to support Trump for Speaker but other names emerge; Ivey escalates library fight; and more …

7. While the media frames the removal of U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from her office as a personal insult delivered during a funeral,...

All 6 Alabama House Republicans need to explain their vote to support McCarthy

The Speaker of the House has been deposed. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 5-9 a.m. weekdays...

7 Things: Trump for Speaker (no chance); Alabama Republicans stick with McCarthy as he goes down; and more …

7. Woke books were sent to a dump where they belong. The books were from the National Association for the Education of Young Children...

Bingo! Jefferson County finally going after questionably legal gaming

 This is not bingo, it is a slot machine with extra steps. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show...

7 Things: Republicans want to fight over the speakership… again; illegal gambling has always been illegal; and more …

7. Labor participation is a major issue with the labor market, with Alabama faring as bad in this as the rest of the nation,...

MSNBC’s brightest want Milley to go after Trump, run against Tuberville for Senate

The media loves former President Donald Trump aides who attack Trump. Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from...

7 Things: AL delegation split on shutdown vote; Democrat attempts to disrupt official proceedings; and now ….

7. A majority (52%) of Americans say they will not get the new COVID-19 vaccine, 70% of Democrats say they will, and the vast...

Redistricting leads to U.S. House challenges; shut it down; and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

 Radio talk show hosts Dale Jackson and 256 Today CEO Mecca Musick take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories. Mecca Musick is the CEO of...

Biden projecting his weakness and ignorance onto Tuberville and military

Joe Biden is projecting his weakness and ignorance onto Tommy Tuberville and the military Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a...

7 Things: Shutdown looms with Ukraine and border at hand; impeachment inquiry starts; and more …

7. There was unanimous consent in the U.S. Senate to force U.S. Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) to put on proper clothes when performing the...