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7 Things: Democrats put illegals first, Birmingham votes for new stadium, Former Justice Stevens says to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and more …

1. Democrats put illegal immigrants first again, raise concerns over a census question --- The Trump administration will be asking people their citizenship status in the...

7 Things: Trump targets Russia, Alabama’s schools aren’t doing great, Alabama’s legislature could get ugly, and more …

1. President Donald Trump goes after Russia and expels 60 diplomats, Russia vows to retaliate --- The Trump administration's expulsion of the diplomats, and the closing of a...

7 Things: “March for Our Lives” is a massive success, Republicans want Ivey on a debate stage, A porn star is the latest hope...

1. The "March for Our Lives" draws millions in over 800 cities, it features vulgar/confusing signs & attacks on politicians --- The march was organized by students but featured...

Report: Europe’s youth abandoning Christianity

A new report, Europe's Young Adults and Religion, reveals that European youth (ages 16-29) have abandoned the Christianity of their ancestors in large numbers, and...

VIDEO: Teacher carry goes down — Stormy times for the president — AL Sheriffs continue to scrimp on food … and more on Guerrilla...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories including: -- Has the Alabama Legislature failed...

7 Things: $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill passes, Macedonians for Roy Moore, a tiny victory for school security, and more …

1. The Tea Party movement is officially dead, Congress passes absurd spending bill  --- The House passed the legislation Thursday, voting 256-167 with Democrats and Republicans...

7 Things: Republicans heading towards huge spending bill, Congressman Rogers unfairly attacked, Sen. Jones speaks on gun control, and more …

1. President Donald Trump and fellow Republicans decide to spend more, without even reading or debating the bill --- Trump on Wednesday threw his support behind a $1.6 trillion spending...

Border patrol agents won’t turn over illegal aliens with felony warrants to California police

U.S. Border Patrol agents are now refusing to turn over criminal illegal aliens with felony warrants to police in California due to uncertainty that...

7 Things: A good guy with a gun stops a school shooting, Austin bombing suspect is dead, Mobile councilman wants to copy California on...

1. Good guy with a gun stops school shooting by killing shooter dead, some argue this shows we shouldn't arm teachers --- A high school student...

7 Things: Trump will not fire Mueller, Etowah County Sheriff is targeted by legislator, Clinton can’t stop the stupid, and more …

1. Sean Hannity says Trump is not going to fire Mueller, and Trump agrees --- Hannity appeared on "Fox and Friends" Monday and stated definitively...

7 Things: Democrats want to hire disgraced FBI deputy, storm trackers enter Alabama ahead of severe weather, bill to allow teachers to carry to...

1. Democrat Congresspersons want to hire the disgraced FBI Deputy Director just to stick it to Trump (and taxpayers) --- Democrats are offering him jobs in...

Evidence mounts of full-scale Russian campaign to undermine American energy

The U.S. government for the first time ever blamed Russia for hacking into American energy infrastructure. The Trump administration action comes a little over...

VIDEO: PA-18’s lessons — dangerous teachers — student walkouts … and more on Guerrilla Politics

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories including: -- Were the results in Pennsylvania's...

Alabama State Legislature review for week 10 — Taylor’s Top Four

The session looks to be winding down, but we aren't going anywhere! Here's your recap of week 10 in the Alabama legislature. If you want to...

7 Things: ‘Bama lawmaker believes women are ‘scared of guns,’ Trump sanctions Russia, UAB shooter identified, and more …

1. Alabama lawmaker's terrible argument about guns and women get plenty of attention --- State Rep. Harry Shiver (R-Stockton) believes women should be protected, "are...

This is not a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book, Pennsylvania loss is bad for Republicans

We all remember the "Choose Your Own Adventure" series, the children's books where you get to decide the path your character takes and experience...

7 Things: Tillerson is out, arming teachers bill gets hearing, students plan walkout today, and more …

1. President Donald Trump cans Rex Tillerson, promotes CIA Director Mike Pompeo to Secretary of State --- After multiple public disagreements Tillerson's tenure as Secretary of...

Committee finds no collusion — School superintendents say no to armed teachers — Hillary thinks you’re racist, and more in Dale Jackson’s 7...

1. GOP House Intelligence Committee finds there is no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign  --- The committee looked at Russian measures against the 2016 U.S., the U.S. response,...

ICYMI: The Legislature last week – Tax cuts – School safety – Ethics

We are back with your recap of another week in Montgomery! What happened last week in the Legislature and beyond? Read below to find...

‘Campaign Trump’ is back — Student charged with murder — Ivey concerned about tariffs, and more in Dale Jackson’s 7 Things

The 7 Things You Should Be Talking About Today 1. Free-wheeling President Donald Trump is back at rally for Pennsylvania candidate --- The president tried to rally voters...

‘The costs of occupational licensing in Alabama’ — The Alabama Policy Institute and the Manuel H. Johnson Center for Political Economy release new research

The Alabama Policy Institute (API) and the Manuel H. Johnson Center for Political Economy are pleased to announce the release of a new policy...