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7 Things: Trump’s GREAT week, Sue Bell Cobb’s sex offender is defended and then arrested, VP Pence says to end Mueller probe, and more...

1. Trump's poll numbers are improving and he has a pretty good week as his numbers trend in the right direction --- A week of accomplishments,...

7 Things: North Korea releases three, Rep. Mo Brooks and others demand AG Sessions end the Mueller probe, Battle and Ivey in street fight,...

1. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo returns from North Korea with 3 hostages --- One day after President Donald Trump ended the Iran Deal, and his...

7 Things: Trump fulfills another campaign promise, Iran Deal is dead, Alabama Governor’s committee on schools is a joke, and more …

1. The Iran Deal is just one more campaign promise kept by the president and his record on those promises is pretty good --- So...

7 Things: Iran Deal could be killed today, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones will give back illegal donations, another progressive hero goes to sexual misconduct...

1. Disastrous Iran deal seems to be on life support, Kerry's shadow diplomacy all but seals that --- President Donald Trump has announced that he will...

7 Things: Mueller probe may be out of bounds, Gubernatorial hopefuls try to pressure Gov. Kay Ivey, Alabama Senator Doug Jones took illegal campaign...

1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller questioned by a judge about the legitimacy of parts of the investigation --- Judge T.S. Ellis III questioned whether or not...

Fact Check: Is Jordan Peterson ‘alt-right’?

NBC News aired a segment about Canadian academic Jordan Peterson that labeled him an “alt-right intellectual.” Verdict: False Peterson not only rejects identity politics, including the...

7 Things: Rudy Giuliani keeps making things worse, Alabama school system wants weapons stashes to fight shooters, and Gov. Ivey supports a teacher sent...

1. Giuliani thinks the president could be subpoenaed, now he says Trump didn't know about the payment, and most think Mueller wants to take down...

Pro football in the Spring again — and the big economic challenge the AAF represents

Spring professional football returns in 2019 with the Alliance of American Football (AAF). I am very excited about this and think that the league...

7 Things: Giuliani exposes a Trump lie while an aide declares Mueller is seeking collusion, Republicans nominate Trump for a Nobel Prize, Lieutenant Governor’s...

1. Former Trump campaign aide says the Special Counsel's focus is Russian collusion, President Donald Trump lies again --- Michael Caputo says Mueller's team knows "more about...

Just released! Questions for Alabama’s lieutenant governor candidates

Candidates for public office, once elected, bring their underlying principles and perspectives on policy issues into office with them, thus defining how they govern....

7 Things: Good numbers for President Trump and Gov. Ivey, Pelosi wants the Speaker’s gavel, Alabama Democrats want higher taxes, and more …

1. Gov. Kay Ivey’s poll numbers continue to look good, Huntsville's mayor Tommy Battle is in second place with only 11 points --- In a...

7 Things: Dozens of questions for President Trump, Roy Moore isn’t going anywhere, Alabama Democrats look to the past, and more …

1. In a move that shocks no one, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's questions for Trump have "leaked" --- Mueller's questions hit on Trump-Russia, his family, Moscow real...

7 Things: Alabama Gov. Ivey’s opponents are desperate, American press is terrible, migrant caravan reaches border, and more …

1. The White House Correspondents’ Dinner exposed the biases of the press, also exposed them as thin-skinned --- The worst joke of the evening, which exposed...

7 Things: Trump admits Michael Cohen represented him in pornstar matter, Ivey and Battle stop fighting each other to go to Japan, Bill Cosby...

1. President Donald Trump admits to hiring Michael Cohen to deal with Stormy Daniels, Cohen pleads "the fifth" --- After months of denying, official denials, and...

Backing Pompeo likely was easy call for Alabama Sen. Doug Jones

The Resistance erupted in anger at the decision by Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) to support Mike Pompeo’s confirmation as secretary of state Thursday,...

Rep. Mo Brooks, who was on an assassination list, believes death threats may be leading GOP Congress members to retire

Much has been made about the Republicans bailing on Congress, probably rightly so. The Speaker of the House and other leaders are on their...

7 Things: Sen. Doug Jones caves on Mike Pompeo, Kanye West jumps on the Trump Train, Alabama Democrat in-fighting gets ugly, and more …

1. Sen. Doug Jones finally comes around and announces he will vote YES on Mike Pompeo after it doesn't matter --- After days of non-committal answers from Sen. Jones, and nudging...

Should Alabama’s Congressional Republicans worry about their seats after another squeaker special election in Arizona?

Math continues to be a stubborn thing for some in politics. If polls are snapshots in time, if a series of polls create trends,...

7 Things: Alabama Democrats debate, Gov. Ivey and her chief rival go to Japan, Republicans look for silver lining on a series of cloudy...

1. Ugly Alabama Democrat debate continues to highlight rejected ideas and portray them as profound --- Lottery, gambling, Medicaid, and more spending continue to be the...

7 Things: No one dare call it terrorism, Alabama Waffle House video destroys racism narrative, Birmingham mayor offers jobs for guns and more …

1. Van driver kills 10 in Toronto, the anti-thoughts and prayers crowd offers thoughts and prayers --- Witnesses said the driver was moving fast and appeared to be acting deliberately...

7 Things: DC & NYC keep attacking Trump as if nothing’s changed, Confederate monument fights to intensify, Lt. Governor race is about Governor’s office, and...

1. After a great week for President Trump, the DNC files lawsuits and the mainstream media pretends nothing changed --- After Trump legislative affairs director Marc Short...

Poly Sci 101: Gov. Ivey’s monument ad is a prime case of political framing

“Special interests” and “politically correct nonsense” are responsible for efforts to remove Confederate monuments from public spaces, Gov. Kay Ivey says in a recent...

How many people does the IRS actually audit? Lessons from Tax Day

Income taxes were just due, and I hope that filing this year wasn’t too painful. Despite the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) fearsome reputation, our...

7 Things: ALGOP debate goes on without governor, State Rep. Jack Williams enters not guilty plea, President calls out Stormy Daniel’s “con”, and more...

1. AL.com's most liberal brand "Reckon" hosted a GOP debate with an empty podium for Governor Kay Ivey --- The misunderstood ethics bill, votes for...