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‘Campaign Trump’ is back — Student charged with murder — Ivey concerned about tariffs, and more in Dale Jackson’s 7 Things

The 7 Things You Should Be Talking About Today

1. Free-wheeling President Donald Trump is back at rally for Pennsylvania candidate

— The president tried to rally voters to support state Rep. Rick Saccone in a district Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 20 percentage points in 2016, he also unveiled his new campaign — “Keep America Great.”

— During the rally he talked about Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s fake heritage and fake news.

2. Huffman High junior charged in shooting death of classmate, motive still unknown

— Michael Barber has been charged with manslaughter and illegal gun possession in the death of 17-year-old Courtlin Arrington as classes let out last Wednesday.

— The confusion seemed to originally stem from the fact that Barber shot himself, that is why they thought the shooting was accidental.

3. Governor Kay Ivey has issues with tariffs for steel and aluminum

— Gov. Ivey spoke at an auto parts supplier’s new plant in Vance and discussed the issues Alabama could face with Trump’s tariffs.

— She said, “Alabama’s economy is driven in large measure by advanced manufacturing in automotive and aerospace firms, and both of those utilize a great deal of steel and aluminum.”

4. NRA sues Florida after gun restrictions pass and the governor signs it in to law

— Last week, Florida passed a sweeping gun law that included raising the age to purchase a rifle to 21; it also allowed some teachers to carry handguns with proper training.

— The NRA argues that the law “prohibited an entire class of law-abiding, responsible citizens from fully exercising the right to keep and bear arms.” GOP candidate for governor Ron DesSantis believes the lawsuit will “probably succeed.”

5. Questionable candidate commissioned poll in AL-05 shows Congressman Brooks opponent up 10 points

— The push poll included questions like, “If you had the choice to vote for a Congressman that supports President Trump to make America Great Again. Would you vote for: Mo Brooks would who has voted in Congress against President Trump Or Clayton Hinchman who was awarded the purple heart for fighting for his country and will always support our President.”

— Push polls are done to elicit a certain response and this one worked, after these questions Clayton Hincham leads with 36.6 to Brooks 26.6 with 36.9 undecided.

6. Democrats have some “great” ideas, they include raising taxes

— Trump’s biggest asset continues to be his opponents’ terrible ideas and the fact that eventually they will have to do something other than being the anti-Trump party.

— A plan released last week, with little fan fare, included increasing taxes on corporations and individuals.

7. Trump pardons sailor convicted and jailed for taking a picture of a submarine

— The White House announced Friday that Trump pardoned a Navy sailor. On Saturday Trump congratulated the sailor and thanked him for his service.

— Kristian Saucier took photos of classified areas inside a submarine and served a year in federal prison for it, the case came up often on the campaign trail when talking about how Hillary Clinton got off scot-free.

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