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Byrne: ‘do-nothing Congress’ mantra is bogus, over 300 House bills are stuck in the Senate

President Obama has dubbed the current Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives the “do-nothing Congress.” That narrative has been trumpeted by Democrats across the country and amplified by many in the media as justification for the president to take executive action on everything from recess appoints to immigration law.

Today, House Republicans decided to push back.

“347 House-passed bills are stuck in the United States Senate,” The House Republican Conference said in a release. “Dozens of these bills would create good-paying jobs to create a healthy economy. Yet Senator Harry Reid refuses to bring them up for a vote.”

Most notably, House Republicans passed two bills to address the current border crisis before leaving town for a five week recess. In contrast, the Senate did not pass a bill, or even consider the House-passed legislation before adjourning.

1. INSIDE SCOOP: Alabama delegation led conservative victory on immigration
2. While the rest of the Senate is on vacation, Sessions continues fight against executive amnesty

“The American people want to see action, yet over 300 House-passed bills are #StuckInTheSenate,” Rep. Bradley Byrne tweeted, using a hashtag that many Republican members of the House began tweeting this week.

Byrne is also prominently featured in a video released today by the House GOP that shows numerous frustrated congressmen speaking on the House floor about bi-partisan bills being ignored by the Senate.

“People are tired of the stagnation coming from Washington,” Byrne says in the video. “In the House we have passed nearly 300 bills that are sitting in the Senate waiting for action… But when the Senate refuses to do its part, it makes this process impossible.”

The full video can be viewed in Byrne’s tweet above.

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