72.7 F
69.4 F
69.9 F
66.6 F

Alabama’s largest employer is the government

YH Government Jobs
According to a report by Al.com’s Leada Gore, more Alabamians are employed by the state and federal governments than by any category in the private sector.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics information used in the report, 19.7 percent of Alabamians are employed by either the federal or state government.

Here are the other sectors that employ Alabamians:

Trade, transportation and utilities – 19.4 percent
Manufacturing – 13 percent
Education and health services – 11.8 percent
Leisure and hospitality – 9.4 percent
Financial activities – 5 percent
Other services – 4.2 percent
Construction – 4 percent
Information – 1.2 percent
Mining – .6 percent

These numbers will undoubtedly call into question the assertion from some in state government that there is nothing left in Alabama’s government to reform or cut.

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