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Brooks: Wall St. Journal calling us the ‘deportation caucus’ is a compliment

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL5)
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL5)

The Wall St. Journal over the weekend released an op-ed slamming conservatives in Congress for pushing House leadership to pass a tougher immigration package late last week.

Dubbing them the “deportation caucus,” the Journal harshly criticized House conservatives, including Alabama’s delegation who led the charge, warning that they may be jeopardizing Republicans’ chances to take back the Senate in November.

RELATED: INSIDE SCOOP: Alabama delegation led conservative victory on immigration

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL5) appeared on Laura Ingraham’s nationally syndicated talk radio program Monday and embraced the “deportation caucus” monicker.

“Throw me in that briar patch,” Brooks said emphatically. “I believe in the rule of law… We finally (got) the House leadership to understand that if we’re going to do something, let’s do something substantive, something that will actually come closer to fixing the problem.”

Ingraham said she was not surprised that the national media would be so critical of House conservatives’ efforts, but noted that the majority of the American people seem to be on their side on this issue.

“Of course they’re going to call you the ‘deportation caucus,’ of course they’re going to call you harsh — this is what they do every time Republicans stand up for the rule of law and for our borders,” Ingraham said. “And yet the people in all these polls seem to be with this idea of repatriating people expeditiously to their home countries and stopping these executive amnesties.”

Ingraham praised Sen. Jeff Sessions’ office for going through the legislation line-by-line and critiquing it, rather than just going along with whatever Congressional leadership wanted to do, which Ingraham said was the approach taken by many Republicans.

Brooks also tipped has cap to Sen. Sessions, who he said deserved a lot of credit for getting a more conservative bill pushed through the House, before turning his attention to the Wall Street Journal editorial board.

“The Wall Street Journal just needs to get their head screwed on right on this one,” he said. “They need to be Americans, they need to be patriots. And they need to think about America first, and they need to think about American families first. But that seems to be the furthest thought from their mind.”

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