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Britt says failed policies caused border crisis

U.S. Sen. Katie Britt didn’t mince words during a press conference at the Capitol where she blasted the Biden administration for the worsening the crisis at the southern border.

Britt (R-Montgomery) spoke to reporters Wednesday about the illegal immigration issue alongside Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John Cornyn (R-Tex.). The senators were reacting to the latest reports of record migrant encounters at the border this week.

“Folks, you look at the number of people that have died at the border because Joe Biden as made it more and more enticing to come here,” Britt said. “Make no mistake this is a result of failed policies. We could fix this. We can’t throw money and fix it. We have to actually change the policies.”

The senator talked about what she learned during one of her recent trips to the border.

“We walked through and we got to hear women tell us their story,” she said. “And their stories are brutalizing. And to Senator Cruz’s point, if you’re not telling it, that’s on you. Because when a woman sits there and she tells you not just about being raped, but how many times a day she’s raped … it’s disgusting and it’s despicable.”

Britt said the Customs and Border Patrol are overworked because of the situation.

“I looked in the eyes of CBP agents who said, ‘We’re exhausted. We’re not only having to be paper pushers, we’re also trying to do what we took an oath of office to do and that is protect this border,'” she said. “When they tell you they’re finding small children who have drowned in that river or pulling a lifeless body of a women who was pregnant with twins, it changes the way you think about what’s happening.”

Britt also explained how drug cartels are taking advantage of the crisis.

“The drug cartels, guys, they have their tentacles all over this country,” she said. “We need you to start telling that story … Just the other day in Alabama a gentleman told me that ‘if you would come back here with me in this neighborhood behind you, you will see migrants who are here illegally and they will tell you about the drug cartels coming around every other week to collect.’ Guys that’s not the American dream. That’s an American nightmare.”

Britt took to social media again Thursday to criticize the president for visiting Arizona but having no plans to go to the border.

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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