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Jim Perdue officially announces candidacy for Secretary of State

Crenshaw County Probate Judge Jim Perdue has officially announced himself as a Republican candidate for Secretary of State.

“I am delighted about the opportunity to travel throughout Alabama over the coming months and share my vision with the people of this great state” Perdue said in a statement. “I feel that my service as a probate judge for over a decade uniquely qualifies me to serve as Secretary of State.”

Perdue has been probate judge for over a decade, most of which he spent as a Democrat. He became a Republican just over two months ago. Governor Bentley was very receptive of Perdue’s decision to change his Party affiliation. “I have met with Jim several times and I know that he has a servant’s heart and he wants what is best for his county and for this state,” Bentley told the Greenville Advocate. “I think he will be a great addition to the Republican Party.”

Perdue stressed that switching parties was not a result of a change in his core beliefs. “I am a lifelong conservative and I am proud of those values,” Perdue said. “I know that those are also the values of Crenshaw County and of most Alabamians… My views and opinions haven’t changed. I needed to join the party that aligns with my core beliefs. I am proud to call myself a Republican.”

State Representative John Merrill is currently the only other candidate who has officially announced. He has spent the last several months traversing the state building early support and attempting to clear the field. Former Montgomery County probate judge Reese McKinney has long been rumored to be considering a run as well.

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