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Hillyer fires first shots of the AL-01 race, releases TV/web ad

In the first ad of the AL-01 special election, journalist Quin Hillyer lays out why he feels it’s important the people of the First Congressional District send him to Congress — values.

The 30-second spot highlights many of the recent scandals that have engulfed Washington, including the IRS targeting conservatives, the DOJ spying on reporters, and the Benghazi coverup.

“Time after time, Obama’s government has betrayed our trust,” the ad’s narrator says. “It’s time to send a strong conservative Republican to Congress. It’s Hillyer time. Quin Hillyer: bringing Alabama values to where they’re needed the most — Washington.”

HillyerForCongress.com is also live and includes ringing endorsements from former senator Rick Santorum and Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard.

“Washington needs more folks like Quin who understand we must strengthen our economy, stand up for traditional values and promote American exceptionalism,” Sen. Santorum is quoted as saying on Hillyer’s website.

So what do you think of the ad? Will it resonate with the people of the First Congressional District?

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