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Another AEA ad goes after GOP, attacks Bentley and Marsh by name

The above AEA ad is set to start running this morning on radio stations around the state, and it appears their disdain for Republicans is starting to cloud their judgement.

Attacking a Governor with approval ratings ranging from the mid-70s to low 80s is not the way to win a debate. And going after the GOP-controlled legislature — which has abnormally high approval ratings for a legislative body — probably isn’t going to win many people over either.

The full transcript of the radio spot is below. What do you think?

“The Republican leadership in Montgomery is desperately trying to trick you into believeing the so-called Education Accountability Act is good for your schools. Here’s the truth: every single public school in Alabama will have less money because this bill takes tax dollars from the Education Trust Fund and gives them to private schools. Whether your kids’ school is great or failing, there will be less money for your child’s classroom. The bill will create vouchers and tax breaks that will allow millionaires whose kids are in private school right now to use your tax dollars to pay tuition. Governor Robert Bentley and Senator Del Marsh admitted that if they had let legislators and educators understand the bill, it probably wouldn’t have passed. Tell your legislator today to stop the attack on public education. A message from the Alabama Education Association.”

What else is going on?
1. Shelby Holds 1,800th Town Hall
2. This week’s Rumors & Rumblings
3. Healthcare Costs in Alabama Getting Ready to Skyrocket
4. AG Strange Vows to Protect Alabamians from Federal Overreach if Gun Ban Passes
5. Bentley Signs Education Reform Bill

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