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Alabama delegation punches above its weight

Alabama’s congressional delegation is ranked the sixteenth most powerful in the country in Roll Call’s latest “Clout Index,” which scores the influence each state has on national affairs. This is significant considering Alabama ranks as the twenty-third most populous state, with a population of 4.8 million.

The Clout Index scores states from 1 to 100 using a formula that accounts for a wide variety of criteria, including size of the delegation, seniority, number of full committee chairmen and ranking members, and per capita federal spending received.

Alabama is also riding what Roll Call collumnist David Hawkins called “a surge in clout along the Gulf Coast.” “The states that anchor the Gulf Coast have much more stroke than ever before,” Hawkins said. California has the most powerful congressional delegation, but the three states with the next highest scores all have beaches along the Gulf of Mexico.

Here’s what Roll Call had to say:

“Texas, which has grown to have easily the second-largest delegation at the Capitol, maintains its perennial hold on one of the top three spots. But third-most-populous Florida has advanced from sixth place to second since 2011. And Louisiana, even after losing a House seat this year because of post-Hurricane Katrina population losses, has not only broken into the top 10 for the first time but has surged all the way to No. 4.

“Beyond that, the analysis found the two other states along the Gulf punching well above their weight. The delegation from Mississippi, at 31st in population, nonetheless got the 15th highest clout score, barely edging 23rd-most-populous Alabama.

“Taken together, the numbers are a powerful signal that the region is better positioned than ever before to get what it wants out of Congress the next time a natural disaster strikes.”

Alabama’s clout is boosted by our two Senators holding influential leadership positions.

Senator Shelby is the ranking member on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. “Shelby is a legend on Appropriations,” a staffer for one of Shelby’s Senate colleagues told Yellowhammer Monday evening. “He’s a deal maker who knows how to get things done.”

Senator Sessions is the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee. He’s the Senate GOP’s leading voice on fiscal matters and has been on the forefront of several recent national debates, including the latest battle over immigration reform.

If Republicans regain control of the Senate, Alabama’s senators will be well positioned to climb even further up the Body’s ladder of power.

On the House side, Alabama’s influence is boosted significantly by the fact that six of our state’s seven representatives are members of the Republican Party, which holds a strong majority in the House.

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