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Bentley: Same-sex marriage not comparable to 1960s civil rights fight

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Governor Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) told reporters Tuesday that he does not consider the drama surrounding same-sex marriage that has unfolded in the last few weeks to be comparable to the 1960’s civil rights movement.

“This is not necessarily a civil rights issue, though I know people try to equate those two,” Bently said. “However, I don’t want Alabama portrayed in a negative light, because when it is portrayed in a negative light, it hurts me recruiting jobs into Alabama and I’m hurting families when I can’t help people get a job in this state.”

Like the governor, many conservatives and African-Americans have balked at the comparison between the 1960s era fight for civil rights and the fight for marriage equality currently underway across the nation.

Bentley also told reporters that the state’s probate judges are in a “bind” when it comes to issuing licenses for same-sex marriage or not. The Governor said probate judges should act according to their consciences.

Yesterday, Gov. Bentley issued a statement telling Alabama’s probate judges that he would not bring charges against those who did decide to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, though he is disappointed that the US Supreme Court did not act stay federal judge Callie “Ginny” Granade’s ruling until it is taken up be SCOTUS this summer.

“We will follow the rule of law in Alabama, and allow the issue of same sex marriage to be worked out through the proper legal channels,” the Governor added.

(H/T The Decatur Daily)

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