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Bentley praises ‘hardworking Alabamians’ in massive $500k ad buy

The Robert Bentley for Governor campaign will launch a giant wave — really more like a tsunami — of television ads on Monday, August 25. The $500,000 ad buy will flood the state with a steady flow of pro-Bentley messaging touting the governor’s record on jobs and the economy.

In the ad, titled “Working for Alabama,” uplifting music creates the backdrop for the voiceover, which is a combination of a narrator, TV news reports, and clips from several of Bentley’s speeches.

The ad claims that 40,000 jobs have been created since Gov. Bentley took office in 2011, with another 60,000 “on the way.” The ad also cites data from the U.S. Department of Labor and Alabama Department of Commerce that say the state’s Business Confidence and Hiring Index is at its highest point since 2006.

“But the real credit goes to the hard working men and women of Alabama,” the narrator says.

Bentley has withstood some criticism recently for Alabama being the only state in the country where unemployment increased over the past twelve months. For the first time since October of 2012, Alabama’s unemployment rate jumped over 7 percent in July, according to revised numbers released by the Department of Labor.

But the economy also grew at the fastest rate it has this year, lending some credibility to the Bentley administration’s argument that the bump in unemployment is at least in part due to workers optimistically re-entering the workforce.

RELATED: Visualizing 40 years of Alabama unemployment (GIF)

With high-profile economic development successes like Airbus, Golden Dragon, Remington and Jack Daniel’s taking place during Bentley’s first term, the governor’s campaign seems very comfortable touting his record as it begins its push toward the November election.

The ad can be viewed above, and the transcript is below. What do you think about the ad? Let us know in the comment section below or by tweeting @YHPolitics.

Four years ago the national economy was draining hope from Alabama. Over 9% unemployment with no business growth.

Bentley during 2014 State of the State:
“There is never freedom for the breadwinner who is dependent upon the government.”

Governor Bentley focused on creating jobs.

Bentley during 2011 Inauguration:
“We will put Alabama back to work.”

TV News reports:
“Airbus has announced the opening of a new assembly plant…

“Remington is announcing plans to open a large new plant in the state of Alabama.”

“This has become standard fare, another major company announcing a move to Alabama.”

Since Governor Bentley first took office over 40-thousand jobs have been created, 60,000 more jobs are on their way.

Unemployment is down over 20 percent.

And the business confidence and hiring index is the highest since 2006.

But the real credit goes to the hardworking men and women of Alabama.

“When Alabama is at full employment, it will mean that along with a job, we have restored hope and purpose to thousands of citizens.”

Governor Bentley, Working For Alabama.

Follow Cliff on Twitter @Cliff_Sims

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