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ALGOP releases two videos in support of pro-life Amendment Two

As Planned Parenthood’s approximately $1 million television ad buy began running on statewide television Wednesday, the Alabama Republican Party released two videos urging people to vote “yes” on Amendment Two on the November 6 general election ballot.

The first video, which was tweeted out by two of the co-chairs of the Alliance for a Pro-life Alabama, Public Service Commission President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh and Alabama Republican Party chair Terry Lathan, shows a baby on screen, with cheerful music playing.

Words come on and off the screen as the baby looks at the camera and smiles.

“I’m on your November 6 ballot,” pops up first, followed by, “I’m Amendment 2.”

The video then says, in increments, “Vote Yes on Amendment 2 to simply say Alabama supports life. Speak for me. Fight for me. Choose me. November 6 vote YES on Amendment 2. Alabama loves life.”

The next video directly rebuts claims being made by Planned Parenthood and other national liberal organizations, as well as Democratic gubernatorial candidate Walt Maddox. Maddox, the mayor of Tuscaloosa, has seemingly been using the same talking points on the constitutional amendment as the out-of-state pro-abortion groups. These talking points, which have been rebutted by the objective fair ballot commission’s write-up about Amendment Two, claim that the amendment makes all abortion illegal, or at least would if Roe vs. Wade is overturned.

“The proposed amendment does not identify any specific actions or activities as unlawful. It expresses a public policy that supports broad protections for the rights of unborn children as long as the protections are lawful,” the Fair Ballot Commission explained.

This factual analysis of Amendment Two is echoed by the Alabama Republican Party’s video.

“Alabama voter alert: Planned Parenthood is invading Alabama with almost one million dollars to LIE to you about Amendment 2,” the video says, with on-screen text.

It continues, “California and New York liberals lying to Alabama. Amendment 2 changes no law. Your vote simply says ‘We support Life.'”

The video concludes by saying, “Reject their lies. Vote YES on Amendment 2. Alabama dares to defend our rights.”

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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