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Alabama’s GOP representatives vote to oppose illegal immigrant voting in elections

All of Alabama’s Republican members of the House of Representatives on Wednesday voted “Yes” on H.Res. 1071, which recognizes “that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens.”

The resolution criticizes San Francisco’s decision to join a dozen Democrat-led cities around the country that allow all non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to legally vote in local elections. H.Res. 1071 passed the House by a somewhat bipartisan 279-72 vote. 69 Democrats, including Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-7), voted “present” instead of choosing “yes” or “no.”

Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-5), in a press release, emphasized, “The right to vote is a sacred privilege in America that should be exercised only by U.S. citizens. After all, we are the United States, not the United Nations.”

“Untold numbers of Americans have lost their lives protecting the right of American citizens to vote and control the destiny of America’s government and country. Radical Democrats ridicule that sacrifice by passing municipal ordinances that give non-citizens, including illegal aliens, lawful voting rights and voting power over American local governments,” Brooks continued.

Brooks, who has been a leading voice nationally on immigration and border security issues, views the resolution as a serious statement of values.

“Let me be clear, Democrats’ giving the right to vote to illegal aliens and other non-citizens undermines our Republic and the voting power of American citizens,” Brooks outlined. “Worse yet, Democrat dilution of the voting rights of American citizens is motivated solely by the hope for partisan and ideological gain. Today’s vote on H.Res. 1071 is a good start, but the House should go further by providing harsh penalties for cities that engage in this betrayal that insults generations of Americans who have sacrificed so much to make America the great nation it is today.”

Brooks concluded, “The Democrats’ power grab is both brazen and repugnant because it repudiates America’s fundamental democratic principles. Illegal aliens and other non-citizens should never wield political power at the expense of American citizens, yet that is exactly what Democrat Party powers are doing in many places in America. Further, it is the height of hypocrisy for Democrats to decry foreign interference in the 2016 Presidential election while advocating illegal alien voting that empowers foreigners to control the outcome of American elections. American citizens and voters deserve better!”

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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