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Alabama Democratic Party Chair Nancy Worley: DNC’s call for new state party elections ‘racial’

Last week, the Democratic National Committee’s credentials committee responded to a complaint filed against the Alabama Democratic Party by voting to call for new elections for chair and vice chair of that party.

Last August, current Alabama Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Worley withstood a challenge to her chairmanship from Montgomery attorney Peck Fox. However, some of those supporting Fox and other candidates in those elections decried the process because of Alabama Democratic Caucus head Joe Reed’s involvement in the process.

In an interview by phone that aired on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal,” Worley called the complaints “racial.”

“It’s racial,” Worley said. “There’s no question about it. The slate that lost in that election on August 11, if they had won, even though everything was done exactly the same way, if they had won, they would not have filed this. They lost with an almost-all-white slate – I think in the whole group, they had maybe one black. But when they lost, they started looking for another avenue to go. And so, I think it is what it is.”

According to the DNC’s ruling, new elections are to take place in the next 90 days with the DNC’s supervision.

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.

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